Build and customize a powerful fleet, recruit iconic characters, explore strange new worlds, seek out new life and new civilizations, forge alliances with hundreds of thousands of other players. Play Star Trek Fleet Command now.
Game features BUILD & COMMAND YOUR FLEETForge alliances, defeat your enemies, and build an epic fleet to secure or dominate the entire galaxy.RECRUIT ICONIC OFFICERS Assemble the perfect crrew and recruit iconic officers like James T. Kirk, Spock, and Nero.IMMERSE YOURSELF IN STAR TREK Experienc...
关键字:战舰战争模拟器下载,战舰战争模拟器FleetCommand手游安卓版下载 游戏大小:46.67M游戏版本:1.9.0 运行平台:Android游戏更新:2024-11-25 14:03:02下载次数:1次游戏分类:赛车空战安卓版下载 苹果版下载 苹果版下载 扫二维码用手机浏览 《战舰战争模拟器》截图《战舰战争模拟器》介绍 玩得好手游为你提供战舰战争...
Fleet Command is a great game! I can’t seem to stop playing this game. I just recently became a 15th Lvl Commander. This is not a pay to play type of game. With little patients and a lot of fun along the way this game is entertaining with its different facets of play. Save your...
关于NEBULOUS: Fleet Command 关于这个 game 指挥一支根据您的游戏风格量身定制的太空战舰舰队。倾向于由强大、灵活的多角色战斗人员组成的小任务组、一大群特种舰艇或介于两者之间的东西。在这款高度模拟的战术游戏中进行战斗,游戏涵盖从动力学和光束武器到逼真的雷达和电子战等各种内容。 Nebulous 将任务前计划的深思熟...
战舰战争模拟器游戏是一款超级震撼的战舰竞技手游,玩家需要建立起自己的海军基地,建造出自己的战舰、打造一支海军舰队。面临威胁的时候,就要用自己亲手打造的舰队捍卫自己的尊严,拥有超强火力的军舰等你来解锁,还有超多副本任务等你来解锁! 战舰战争模拟器游戏介绍 1、让玩家尽情享受海上争霸的乐趣,占领敌方海域,收集敌方...
杀死敌舰并赢得军团战争 厂商:互联网 8.0 休闲益智策略时间杀手 详情 安装提示 当前游戏文件格式通过浏览器下载无法安装成功。请先安装魔玩助手APP,将自动帮您处理,让您畅享游戏乐趣。 游戏介绍 Fleet Command是一款基于现实生活中的舰船和军衔的海战策略游戏,为玩家提供迷人的海战体验。通过管理和发展你的基地、生产资...
The brand new MEmu 9 is the best choice of playing Fleet Command – Kill enemy ship & win Legion War on PC. Prepared with our expertise, the exquisite preset keymapping system makes Fleet Command – Kill enemy ship & win Legion War a real PC game. MEmu multi-instance manager makes ...
Players also can have an advantage just by knowing History! If you like games that are challenging, fun and compelling, then Fleet Command II is just what you need! With multiple servers, players can restart with greater confidence with game mechanics. ...
Star Trek™ Fleet Command電腦版截圖&影片 透過逍遙模擬器,在電腦上下載Star Trek™ Fleet Command,享受大熒幕的暢快體驗。 歡迎來到「Final Frontier」! 遊戲訊息 歡迎來到「Final Frontier」! 艦船由您掌舵!使出您在策略、戰鬥、外交和領導方面的技能,在《Star Trek Fleet Command》的凶險宇宙中來去自如。