有这么少数几款球星卡产品,它不仅仅在收藏圈受到的追捧,甚至流行于整个体育文化圈,1986 Fleer Basketball就是这样的产品,迈尔克·乔丹的新秀卡是主要的流行原因。 实际上Fleer这第一个篮球产品即使没有乔丹的热度,其在收藏届也依然能够产生影响力,这得益于这款产品汇集了80-90年代众多明星球员的“新秀卡”。 这里说...
First off, Upper Deck loaded Retro Basketball with content that collectors love. One of the main content drivers has been the return of precious metal gems coming in red (numbered to 150), blue (numbered to 50), and green (numbered to 10). Cards from the original insert set in...
Shop DACardWorld.com for 1994/95 Fleer Series 1 Basketball Jumbo Box & see our entire selection of basketball cards at low prices. Plus, free shipping on orders over $199!