您需要为其给予固定高度,并将contentContainerStyle属性设置为{ flexGrow:1 }。这将允许FlatList内的...
For now i use react-native-recyclerview-list but it only available for android. xavieramoros commented Nov 17, 2017 I'm having the same issue: a flatlist with variable height items and scrollToIndex not scrolling to the right position. But I noticed something interesting, the FlatList scrolls...
6 FlatList re-rendering every time i type something in TextInput 2 Flatlist scrolling is not smooth 3 Issue with TextInput element in the bottom of a FlatList 1 React Native FlatList only gets updated when TextInput or Picker changes 5 React Native Flatlist element onPress not fired...
Something worth mentioning though is you say it's of typeReactClassbut it's not, itsReactClass<any> | React.Element<any>(https://github.com/facebook/react-native/blob/master/Libraries/Lists/FlatList.js#L89). I'm worried that other people will use this class and won't realise their hea...
1 Infinite scrolling in React Native using Flatlist 0 Scroll to particular Item in FlatList 1 React native flatlist to know if I move to the left or to the right 1 How do I get Flatlist to scroll item to 1 2 How to scroll To next item on a button click using ...
头部组件。可以是 React Component, 也可以是一个 render 函数,或者渲染好的 element。 columnWrapperStyle 如果设置了多列布局(即将numColumns值设为大于 1 的整数),则可以额外指定此样式作用在每行容器上。 extraData 如果有除data以外的数据用在列表中(不论是用在renderItem还是头部或者尾部组件中),请在此属性中...
5. Use getItemLayout to optimize flatlist react native UsinggetItemLayoutin FlatList brings some good performance benefits in my experience. This is really useful! Using getItemLayout removes the need for FlatList to measure the list items layout. But you can use this method only if your list it...
on android it works when you flick and release, it also works when you scroll and hold thereby controlling the scrolling. on IOS it only works when you flick and let the scroll momentum end by itself. https://reactnative.dev/docs/scrollview#onmomentumscrollend ...
LiuCao I have a solution, but modified the framework file, so it is not recommended to do so. And I do not know if it will cause other issue /your Project/node_modules/react-native/Libraries/Lists/VirtualizedList.js // scrollToIndex may be janky without getItemLayout propscrollToIndex(par...
I am working with React-Native flatlist and the problem I encountered is rendering issue. Let's assume that we have to add 2000 items in flatlist. ScrollToIndex(1000) does not get result because it's out of viewport. Is there any solution to get result?