不同的格式在这里有不同的优势(例如,Cap 'n Proto非常擅长数字,因为它根本不转换数字; JSON在这方...
Cap 'n Proto非常擅长数字,因为它根本不转换数字; JSON在这方面做得非常糟糕)。
Performance comparison of the most popular C++ serialization protocols such as Cap'n'Proto, FastBinaryEncoding, Flatbuffers, Protobuf, JSON serializationjsonperformanceprotobufflatbufferslow-latencycapnproto UpdatedMar 9, 2024 C++ FlatBuffers compiler (flatc) as API (with focus on transparent `.fbs`...
Protobuf provides a “reflection” interface which allows dynamically iterating over all the fields of a message, getting their names and other metadata, and reading and modifying their values in a particular instance. Cap’n Proto also supports this, calling it the “Dynamic API”. SBE provides...
常用的序列化还有:protobuf,json Google Flatbuffer介绍 FlatBuffers为Google发布的一个跨平台,提供多种语言接口,注重性能和资源使用的序列化类库。目前该类库提供C++, C#, C, Go, Java, JavaScript, PHP, and Python语言接口。该序列化类库多用于移动端手游数据传输以及特定的对性能有较高要求的应用。