(Latte) 咖啡欧蕾(Café au Lait )的顶部通常没有一层奶泡,而拿铁(Latte)有 意思都是牛奶咖啡,只不过咖啡欧蕾源自法国,拿铁院子意大利。法语单词lait与意大利语单词latte同义,都是指牛奶 咖啡欧蕾(Café au Lait) vs. 馥芮白(Flat White) 两者的主要区别在于,Café au Lait 使用的是蒸牛奶,而白咖啡则是用冷...
A flat white coffee isn’t just a small latte. They’re very different drinks. If you get caught in a cafe that doesn’t serve a flat white, then a small latte might be a passable substitute, but they’re still not the same drink. The flat white vs latte debate is common in the ...
其实,用Ristretto制作Flat White还是源于Starbucks的改良,在其他的咖啡馆是没有这个讲究的,包括澳洲当地的咖啡馆出品的Flat White,也只是用Espresso做基底,咖啡与牛奶的比例接近卡布奇诺,而奶泡则要比拿铁还要薄得多(有的甚至没有),通常5mm以下,所以没有什么复杂的拉花图案。
Some refer flat white to “wetcappuccino”, while the others may regard it as “small latte”. The unique coffee beverage is part of a thriving, espresso-focused culture that has enthusiastically exported itself worldwide. Most popular in Australia and New Zealand, Flat White is generally prepar...
去咖啡店, 喜歡味道温和點的都會叫一杯 Latte, 其實 latte 指的是奶, 正確一點應叫 Caffe Latte (中文譯名拿鐵咖啡)。而 Flat White 又是什麼呢? Caffe Latte 是 Expresso + 大杯加熱過的牛奶, 而牛奶在加熱的時候會打至起泡, 所以每一杯的 Latte 都會有一層奶泡 (foam)。 Flat White 跟Latte 很相似,...
at Starbucks, for example, contains a double-shot ristretto, which uses the same amount of coffee beans for two regular shots of espresso but compressed into a standard-sized single shot. This explains why a flat white tastes much stronger than a latte, as the coffee is much more ...
短笛piccolo,澳白flat white,拿铁coffee latte的区别。首先他们之间i杯量不同,一般短笛为90ml,澳白150ml,拿铁250ml。其中短笛内的espresso为只萃取单份shot的前端(single ristretto),澳白是双份的短浓缩(double ristretto),拿铁为双份浓缩(double espresso)。其次他们之间的奶泡是不同的,短笛(小拿铁)和拿铁的奶泡...
Flat WhiteVSLatte 不管是馥芮白也好,醇艺白也好,平白也罢,有很多人端起咖啡杯嘬一口后会大叫自己被骗了,那口感那味道其实和拿铁真的没有什么差别。也许是因为你当真没喝到真宗的缘故吧,其实这两个还是有点细微差别的。 Latte起源于意大利语,在诸多咖啡科普文中都有解释,Latte的全称是Caffe Latte,也就是咖啡拿铁...
现在我们知道了Flat White是用意式浓缩咖啡、打发牛奶和一小点奶沫制成的,但这不是拿铁吗?或是卡布奇诺? 拿铁在英语中的出现是在上世纪80年代,但其实这种咖啡已经存在了百年之久。在意大利,“Caffè Latte”是指用摩卡壶做出的浓缩咖啡加入牛奶制成的咖啡。
“A flat white is a small latte.” Said the barista at the Workshop Cafe in London to an enquiring British visitor. My ears pricked up. To me, a flat white is much more, but those Workshop Coffee guys really know their stuff. ...