澳大利亚Toby's Estate咖啡馆首席咖啡师Deaton Pigot曾将Flat White称作“湿的卡布奇诺”,而《纽约时报》称其为“小份拿铁”。Workshop Espresso的咖啡师Levi Hamilton认为这两种说法都不对。 “真正的区别在于咖啡上面的泡沫。卡普奇诺翻译过来就是‘泡沫帽子’的意思,所以卡普奇诺咖啡有很厚的奶泡。而Flat White上面只有...
Flat white 与拿铁采用的就是底层的液态牛奶以及丝滑的细幼奶泡,只不过 Flat white 采用更为下层、泡量更少的奶泡,因此较为丝滑,咖啡杯顶端的奶泡也更薄一些。而在传统义式做法中,甚至连奶泡厘米数都有规定呢!另外,每一杯Flat white 所含浓缩咖啡的份量,总是可以因人而异,依照喜爱的浓郁程度,可以选择一份、...
Some refer flat white to “wet cappuccino”, while the others may regard it as “small latte”. The unique coffee beverage is part of a thriving, espresso-focused culture that has enthusiastically exported itself worldwide. Most popular in Australia and New Zealand, Flat White is generally prep...
In theory, I could tell you what makes a latte different from a cappuccino and what makes them both different from a flat white, but life is short and when it comes down to it, it’s all a matter of taste. Despite what I’ve said aboutespressoandcafetiere coffee, I actually drink a...
Master the art of the flat white with Nespresso's easy recipe guide where rich espresso meets creamy milk. Learn how to make a flat white now!
一、咖啡类型: 1.拿铁咖啡 :Coffee Latte 2.卡布奇诺 :Cappuccino 3.美式咖啡:Americano 4.摩卡咖啡:Coffee Mocha / Mocha 5.玛奇朵:Macchiato 6.焦糖玛奇朵:Caramel Macchiato 7.醇艺白 / 馥芮白 / 平白咖啡:Flat White 8.可塔朵:Cortado 9.欧蕾咖啡:Coffee Au Lait ...
The Difference Between a Flat White & a Latte Though they both featuresteamed milkand espresso, a few key features differentiate a flat white coffee from a latte and a cappuccino. The flat white contains more milk than a cappuccino and less than a latte. Possibly the most obvious distinction...
“A flat white is just a cappuccino with less froth isn’t it?” I overheard a slightly confused Hungarian cafe owner say to a Kiwi customer. This was the final straw and set me off on a journey to search for a good definition of my favourite drink. To me, a flat white is like ...
That’s the background on the flat white: a drink that slots in between the traditional cappuccino, and the latte. And one last tip: if you order a cortado, or a gibraltar, or a flat white, you’re most likely going to get the same drink. ...
Cappuccinohas stiff foam and feels like drinkingbubbleswith a bed of coffee hidden at the bottom. Latteis milky, has a little foam on the top and feels like drinking amilkycoffee. The best way to really test out the difference between a flat white and a latte is to be to go to a fe...