Flat morphisms and dimensionContents Flat morphisms Properties of at morphisms Faithfully flat descent Dimension and fibers of morphisms Dimension and regularity conditions Hilbert schemesdoi:10.1007/978-3-658-30733-2_15Grtz, UlrichUniversität Duisburg-EssenWedhorn, Torsten...
Indeed, by [15, 1.2.4], if R→S is a homomorphism of commutative rings such that the induced morphism of affine schemes Spec(S)→Spec(R) is an open embedding, then S is a very flat R-module. It follows that for each contraherent cosheaf P, the OX(U)-module P(U) is contra...
The functor Λa(−) is exact on the full subcategory of Gorenstein flat R-modules. The following useful lemma is well-known, and so we skip its proof. Lemma 2.4. Let T : C0(R) → C0(R) be a covariant additive functor. Any morphism of complexes α : X → Y yields an ...
We define the motive of an 茅tale sheaf on the category $Sm/K$ of smooth and separated schemes over a field $K$ of characteristic zero. This enables us to construct motives that capture information about a wider class of "morphisms" betw... A Banerjee 被引量: 0发表: 2013年 ...
My interest is in using Category Theory in Linguistics, so the next question in that context would be: Would the word “help” be a morphism? Just getting into the fascinating world of category theory, so please excuse any stupid questions or statements. jmatsushita Says: January 27, 2018...
Department of Algebra, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, Prague 8, Czech RepublicSpringer Berlin HeidelbergAnnali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata (1923 -)L. Positselski, A. Sl´avik. Flat morphisms of finite presentation are very flat. Electronic preprint arXiv:1708.00846 [...
Ramification of a finite flat group scheme over a local field - Hattori () Citation Context ...ce of FE≤mK with a category FFP≤mA of finite flat principal A-algebras2 with ramification “bounded by m” (cf. Def. 3.2). The morphisms in FFP≤mA are defined (cf. Def. 3.3) by ...
Moreover, the suggested color schemes, skeumorphism design, and library implementations in flat designs are also mentioned.Darlene FichterUniversity of SaskatchewanJeff WisniewskiUniversity of PittsburghOnline Searcher
The article offers information on the popularity of flat designs among library web developers. The author mentions the high uptake of flat designs in 2013 and it includes library websites. Moreover, the suggested color schemes, skeumorphism design, and library implementations in flat designs are ...
It is a fundamental property of the Chow groups of algebraic schemes that they are contra-functorial with respect to flat morphisms between schemes. While the pullback homomorphism is easy to define at the level of algebraic cycles, the crucial step is to show that the pullback of cycles ...