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I want to import flat file into SAP HANA. But, system get dumps / hang. I am not able to import flat file into SAP HANA. I checked my network connection also and changed too. But, still facing same problem. Please check enclosed screenshot for more information Please let me know, ...
Hierarchies can also be extracted from external systems (non-SAP) using staging BAPI's (BusinessApplicationProgrammingInterface) or flat files, which can be generated automatically via a program and then loaded into the hierarchy InfoObject. When automating this procedure a problem is introduced that ...
Upload und Download is always associated with flat files. You can use IDOCs for inbound/outbound processes, use proxies or http requests. Reply vinod_vemuru2 Active Contributor 2008 Sep 09 12:27 PM 0 Kudos 89 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi, Most important thing where ur...
SAP Managed Tags: Cloud Integration, SAP Process Integration I had the opportunity recently to try out a long awaited feature of the File adapter - display FCC content in PI monitor. This arrived with the enhancements on PI/PO 7.31 SP13 / 7.4 SP8. There is not much details on the onli...
SAP Application Interface Framework SAP Application Interface Framework View products (2) Hi All, We are trying to load couple of huge flatfiles in HANA , however it is failing. During analysis seems like failing due to the way the quantity / currency fields are mentioned in the flat file...
Exchange Rates for Currencies in Flat Files Use You use this function to upload exchange rates for currencies into table TCURR in your BI system from a flat file. This is necessary if your BI system is not connected to an SAP system and the table cannot receive input from an ...
UPDATES0004108322.USERS MERGE DELTAINDEX; 6.检查导入结果,可以检查target table内容,也可以检查导入日志,第2步中的文件目录,如果导入成功,日志为空,如果有错误,请查看 http://wiki.sdn.sap.com/wiki/display/inmemory/Common+Import+Errors
3. Maintaining the Communication Structure: defining the Fields for the Flat Files as InfoObjects in the BI SystemSpecify an InfoObject for each column of your flat file. You can either use existing InfoObjects or create new ones.More information:...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Connectivity I usually save the Excel file as CSV or just Unicode Text file, then move this file to the application server using Windows explorer (I have a directory in the application file mounted) so I can easily move files between application and presentation server...