Related to Flat file database:relational database,Hierarchical database flat′-file′ adj. of or pertaining to a database system in which each database consists of a single file not linked to any other file. [1980] Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries...
A relatively simple database system in which each database is contained in a single table. In contrast, relational database systems can use multiple tables to store information, and each table can have a different record format. 我的翻译是: (1) plain text纯文本 (2) flat- file无格式文件(...
But for advanced analysis of data, professionals are hired to run the data marts and warehouses. For faster results data in warehouses is often aggregated and presummarised and so called OLAP Cubes are constructed. The start point is usually a flat database(s) or relational databases which ...
Every relational database provides its own command(s) for importing data from a flat file. For example, MySQL provides the LOAD DATA INFILE statement. You have to create the database and table(s) first, but you only need to do that once for each data set. Once you've done that, LOAD...
GeneRecords: a relational database for GenBank flat file parsing and data manipulation in personal computers Summary: Extracting the desired data from a database entry for later analysis is a constant need in the biological sequence analysis community; GeneRecords... P.,D'Addabbo,L.,... - 《...
Inthiscasethemetadatawas provided in theformofanXMLschemadefinitionfilethatdescribedthedatain theflatfiles. 在本示例中,元数据以XML模式定义文件的形式提供,该文件描述了平面文件中的数据。 www.ibm.com 5. Dictionariescanbecreatedmanually,ortheentriescanbe importedfromflatfiles,databasetables,orotherdictionaries...
Signature search time evaluation in flat file databases cql: Flat file database query language SIR: a simple indexing and retrieval system for biological flat file databases GeneRecords: a relational database for GenBank flat file parsing and data manipulation in personal computers ...
Import Flat File Wizard is a simple way to copy data from a .csv or .txt file to a new database table. This article shows you how and when to use the wizard.
WonderCMS doesn't use a traditional/relational database like MySQL, which requires configuration. Instead, it uses a called flat file database, which saves all data to text file (flat file). Text file example: » database.js which is structured in » JSON format.List...