Flask-SocketIO是一个基于Flask框架的WebSocket库,它提供了实时双向通信的能力。它可以用于构建实时聊天应用、实时数据展示和实时协作工具等。 CORS(跨域资源共享)是一种安全策略,用于限制跨域请求的访问权限。当浏览器发起跨域请求时,如果目标服务器没有正确配置CORS策略,浏览器会阻止该请求。 对于被CORS策略阻止的情况,...
实际上我在实例化SocketIO时已经传入cors_allowed_origins的参数为*,但是最后的问题出在*要用单引号,不能用双引号。我觉得这可能是前后传参符号不一致导致的,应该不是必须要求写单引号。 # 错误的写法 socketio = SocketIO(app, cors_allowed_origins="*", async_mode='eventlet') # 正确的写法 socketio = ...
app = Flask(__name__) CORS(app) app.config['SECRET_KEY'] ='secret!' socketio = SocketIO(app, async_mode='eventlet', cors_allowed_origins='*', cors_credentials=False) @app.route('/', methods=['GET']) defindex(): return'home' @socketio.on('join', namespace='/') defping_me...
准备 安装Flask-SocketIO库 $ pip install flask-socketio 编写一个Flask程序 from flask import Flask,...
sendData(data) {//发送数据this.$socket.emit("update_data", data); } }, filters: { }, watch: { }, destroyed() {//断开socketif(this.$socket) {this.$socket.close(); } } }; 2.python importtimefromflaskimportFlask, requestfromflask_corsimportCORSfromflask_socketioimportSocketIO, Namespa...
from threading import Lock continue_reading = True thread = None thread_lock = Lock() socketio = SocketIO(app, cors_allowed_origins='*', logger=True, engineio_logger=True, **params) def background_task(app): with app.app_context(): while continue_reading: id = setup_rfidreader() log...
socketio = SocketIO() def create_app(): ... socketio.init_app(app, cors_allowed_origins="*") and then ingizmo/run.pyI have: from gizmo import create_app, socketio app = create_app() if __name__ == '__main__': socketio.run(app, host="localhost") ...
Do I need any additional settings for CORS support? Note: I'm running the socketio server under gunicorn with an eventlet worker (had to change to this since the gevent dependency has been dropped), and reverse-proxying via apache (2.4+ now has support for web sockets) Thanks! #5 Miguel...
Presently, the client's connection attempt is resulting in an error with theHandshake status 400 BAD REQUESTdesignation. Here is the code I'm using: server.py : from flask import Flask, render_template from flask_socketio import SocketIO ...