(5)生产环境:set FLASK_ENV=production (6)开发模式:set FLASK_ENV=development 注意:虽然 flask 命令可以方便地启动一个本地开发服务器,但是每次应用代码 修改之后都需要手动重启服务器。这样不是很方便, Flask 可以做得更好。如果你打开 调试模式,那么服务器会在修改应用代码之后自动重启,并且当应用出错时还会提供...
response.set_cookie('name', name) return response 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 在这个make_response()函数中,我们传入的是使用redirect()函数生成的重定向响应。set_cookie视图会在生成的响应报文首部中创建一个Set-Cookie字段,即“Set-Cookie:name=Grey;Path=/”。 from flask import Flask, request @app....
methods= set(item.upper()foriteminmethods)#Methods that should always be addedrequired_methods = set(getattr(view_func,'required_methods', ()))#starting with Flask 0.8 the view_func object can disable and#force-enable the automatic options handling.provide_automatic_options =getattr(view_func,'...
run_simple(host, port, self, **options)finally:# reset the first request information if the development server# reset normally. This makes it possible to restart the server# without reloader and that stuff from an interactive shell.self._got_first_request =False 在run 函数内,函数设置了服务器...
# 方式1# batsetFLASK_ENV=development # powershell$env:FLASK_ENV="development"# linuxFLASK_ENV=production python Flask-hello_world.py # 方式2envFLASK_APP=.\Flask-hello_world.py flask run$env:FLASK_APP=.\Flask-hello_world.py flask run ...
要用这个模拟邮件服务器来测试应用,那么你将设置MAIL_SERVER=localhost和MAIL_PORT=8025。 译者注:本段中去除了说明设置该端口需要管理员权限的部分,因为这和实际情况不符。原文如下:To test the application with this server, then you will setMAIL_SERVER=localhostandMAIL_PORT=8025. If you are on aLinuxor...
Validation is done during routing against this value.before_requestandafter_requestcallbacks will still be called. Default:None Added in version 3.1. SERVER_NAME¶ Inform the application what host and port it is bound to. Must be set ifsubdomain_matchingis enabled, to be able to extract the...
Set an environment variable forFLASK_APP. On Linux and macOS, useexport set FLASK_APP=webapp; on Windows use$env:FLASK_APP=webappif you're using PowerShell, orset FLASK_APP=webappif you're using Command Prompt. Navigate into thehello_appfolder, then launch the program usingpython -m flas...
host:主机名,域名,比如www.baidu.com。 port:端口号。当你访问一个网站的时候,浏览器默认使用80端口。 path:查找路径。比如:www.jianshu.com/trending/now,后面的 trending/now就是 path。 query-string:查询字符串,也叫请求参数,比如:www.baidu.com/s?wd=python,后面的 wd=python就是查询字符串。
---+---+---+ | id | int(11) | NO | PRI | NULL | auto_increment | | name | varchar(64) | YES | UNI | NULL | | +---+---+---+---+---+---+ 2 rows in set (0.00 sec) mysql> 创建好了数据表之后,下面来看看如何执行数据的增删查改的。 常用的SQLAlchemy查询过滤器 ...