我们发现static_folder是用来指代存放static文件的目录,这个文件是必须的存在的,static_url_path是我们再url里输入地址用来指向static文件的。相当于是一个参数指向的最终结果是static_folder __EOF__
app.static_folder= app.config['STATIC_FOLDER']else:# Is a static folder called _static in source path?source_static_folder = os.path.join(app.config['SOURCE'],"_static")ifos.path.isdir(source_static_folder): app.static_folder= source_static_folder# Load flask-rst modulesmanager.init_app...
然后通过浏览器输入指定文件的文件名来下载。 3.static_url_path和static_folder的用法 static_url_path主要用于改变url的path的,静态文件放在static下面,所以正常情况url是static/filename ,但是可以通过static_url_path来改变这个url static_folder主要是用来改变url的目录的,默认是static,可以通过这个变量来改变静态文件...
static_folder: 后端存储资源文件的目录。默认是/static,就是指明你后端的资源文件,是放在<your project>/static/目录下,一般不需要改动。 一个粟子: fromflaskimportFlask,render_template app=Flask(__name__,static_url_path='')@app.route('/')defindex():returnrender_template('index.html') 转自:https...
Flask provides a function calledserve_static_filethat you can call from code to refer to any file within the project'sstaticfolder. The following process creates a simple API endpoint that returns a static data file. If you haven't done so ...
You can use subfolders and then refer to the relative path under the templates folder in calls to the render_template function. This approach is a great way to effectively create namespaces for your templates. Next step Step 3: Serve static files, add pages, and use template inheritance Fee...
send_static_file(filename)¶ The view function used to serve files from static_folder. A route is automatically registered for this view at static_url_path if static_folder is set. Note this is a duplicate of the same method in the Flask class. Changelog Added in version 0.5. Parameters...
npm run serve 浏览器里面输入地址,就可以看到页面了。 CLI3里面还有一个可以用UI界面来控制的。 敲入: vue ui 就可以通过ui来创建项目,配置插件和打包了,很方便的。 好了,看完前端,来配置后端: Python 不像 Node.js,通过 NPM 安装包时,只需要一个参数就能区分全局和当前项目环境,安装在当前项目环境的包永远...
app = Flask(__name__, static_folder='static', static_url_path='/static') CORS(app, supports_credentials=True) static_host = "static/" host = '' @app.route('/hello') def hello_word(): return 'hello world' ...