Not sure about the side effect of having blank endpoint for @bp.route part, so might be better to have something up there. In my case, I assume that the trailing slash led the redirect with OPTIONS method and that seemed like what was causing problems. 👍 2 nejat-njonjo commented Oct...
一、url_for在视图函数中的作用 可以实现和redirect类似的效果,实现定向跳转url_for和redirect区别1、两者用来重定向的时候,被操作的对象不同。 2、redirect直接是url,就是app.route的路径参数。 3、url_for()是对视图函数进行操作。 实例:fromflaskimportFlask,request,redirect,url_for ...
username = 'jon' return redirect('/login/%s' % username) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. abort抛异常的方法 # abort抛异常的方法 @app.route('/guess/<int:number>') def guess(number): if number < 8000: abort(404) return '你猜对了' 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Flask-Script 方便启动flask程序的时候传...
application: application_name version: 1 runtime: python27 api_version: 1 threadsafe: true builtins: - appstats: on - admin_redirect: on - deferred: on - remote_api: on libraries: - name: jinja2 version: "2.6" - name: markupsafe version: "0.15" inbound_services: - warmup handlers: ...
# If it is, redirect to homepage # Else if not, return an "invalid password" error form = request.form # User Response user = Account.query.filter_by(email=str(request.form['email'])).first() # Query for user if user is not None: # Validating query ...
Hello Everybody I’m working through a tutorial for making a database connection with Mariadb (xampp) and for most part I think I have it working except for the error message I keep getting. My Flask/python is still a bi…
(200, 302): try: if response.status_code == 302: redirect_url = response.headers.get('Location') return {"code": 200, "status": "Parse successful", "url": redirect_url} else: # 处理 200 状态码的JSON响应 json_response = response.json() ...
@app.route('/')defindex():returnredirect('') 其他的特殊响应是abort函数,他被用来处理错误。下面的代码展示了当传递给URL的id参数没有匹配的用户是返回一个404状态码: fromflaskimportabort @app.route('/user/<id>')defget_user(id):user=load_user(id)ifnotuser:abort(404)re...
所以我建议尝试:return render_template('index.html')然后使用index.html文件设置处理flash消息的代码。
1fromflaskimportFlask2fromflaskimportredirect34app = Flask(__name__)56@app.route('/')7defindex():8returnredirect('')910if__name__=='__main__' 重定向至 還有一種特殊响应由abort函數生成,用於處理錯誤。如果URL中動態參數ID對應用戶不...