Now, the final piece of the puzzle is to run the Celery process, which is called a worker, in a new terminal window.$ celery worker -A celery_runner --loglevel=infoNow, we can send commands to our Celery worker. Open the shell and import the log task:...
Now, the final piece of the puzzle is to run the Celery process, which is called a worker, in a new terminal window.$ celery worker -A celery_runner --loglevel=infoNow, we can send commands to our Celery worker. Open the shell and import the log task:...
Now, the final piece of the puzzle is to run the Celery process, which is called a worker, in a new terminal window.$ celery worker -A celery_runner --loglevel=infoNow, we can send commands to our Celery worker. Open the shell and import the log task:...
Now, the final piece of the puzzle is to run the Celery process, which is called a worker, in a new terminal window.$ celery worker -A celery_runner --loglevel=infoNow, we can send commands to our Celery worker. Open the shell and import the log task:...