我试图通过 colab 烧瓶。以下是我在谷歌Colab上的代码: fromflaskimportFlask !pip install flask_ngrokfromflask_ngrokimportrun_with_ngrok app = Flask(__name__) run_with_ngrok(app)@app.route("/")defhello():return"Hello World!"if__name__ =='__main__': app.run() ...
1) 在 google colab 中创建新笔记本 2)在google colab中安装库 !pip install flask-ngrok Flask 已安装在 google colab 上,因此您无需再次安装。 3)之后让我们创建一个简单的烧瓶应用程序 Python3 fromflaskimportFlaskfromflask_ngrokimportrun_with_ngrok app=Flask(__name__)run_with_ngrok(app)@app.route...
使用ngrok部署flask应用程序时出错的索引 、、、 我已经使用Flask创建了一个服务器来演示我的ML模型。我在Google Colab上运行它,并使用flask-ngrok进行隧道操作。in run File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/flask_ngrok.py", line 浏览20提问于2020-06-22得票数1 ...
Flask on Google Colab, A free web app server Flask on Google ColabColab is strong and famous by its support of GPU/TPU. However, with Flask, it can be a web app server. That's very cool!NgrokExpose the localhost to a public temporary url that can be shared with all around the ...
NVIDIA TensorRT是一个高性能深度学习推理平台。它包括深度学习推理优化器和运行时,可为深度学习推理应用...
ConnectionRefusedError: [Errno 111] 在 google colab 中使用 ngrok 时连接被拒绝问题描述 投票:0回答:1以下是我的代码- app = Flask(__name__, template_folder='templates') run_with_ngrok(app) @app.route("/") def index(): return render_template('index.html') app.run() 我不断收到此错误...
[Is there a general way to run Web Applications on Google Colab?](Is there a general way to run Web Applications on Google Colab?),找到ngrok github上还有样例flask-ngrok,开始 pip install flask-ngrok安装之后,只要添加一句from flask_ngrok import run_with_ngrok ...
In the output cell you should see a url similar to this: Running on http://5fdc-104-196-187-169.ngrok.io. Open this url and use your app.About Example app that demonstrates how to run a Flask app with a free GPU using Google Colab and ngrok Resources Readme Activity Custom pro...
This is my code from flask import Flask from flask_ngrok import run_with_ngrok app = Flask(__name__) run_with_ngrok(app) @app.route("/") def hello(): return "Hello Geeks!! from Google Colab" app.run() When I run it, I get the following e...
挂载Google云端硬盘 from google.colab import drive import os drive.mount('/content/drive') data_...