[root@bigdata-server-03mydataweb]# cat templates/hello.html<!doctype html> HellofromFlask{%ifname %}Hello {{ name }}!{%else%}Hello, World!{% endif %}Download file[root@bigdata-server-03mydataweb]# [root@bigdata-server-03 mydataweb]# du -Bm 87M ./templates 87M . [root@bigdat...
response.headers["Content-Disposition"] ="attachment; filename={}".format(file_name.encode().decode('latin-1'))returnresponse 使用make_response函数建立一个response对象,然后将filename编码转为latin-1,可以看到server.py里边会严格按照latin-1编码来解析filename,所以我这里的做法是先将utf8编码的中文文件...
@app.route('/fileManager/download/<projId>/<id>/<filename>',methods=['GET'])defdownload_file(projId,id,filename):try:url="your url"r=requests.get(url,timeout=500)ifr.status_code!=200:raiseException("Cannot connect with oss server or file is not existed")response=make_response(r.con...
from flask import Flask, send_file app = Flask(__name__)@app.route('/download')def download_...
from flask import send_file, send_from_directory import os @app.route("/download/<filename>", methods=['GET']) def download_file(filename): # 需要知道2个参数, 第1个参数是本地目录的path, 第2个参数是文件名(带扩展名) directory = os.getcwd() # 假设在当前目录 ...
0x01 基于flask的文件传输api server 创建一个py文件,file_transfer_api.py, host填写'', port换成你自己的port。UPLOAD_FOLDER换成你文件存储的位置。 from flask import Flask, request, send_file import os app = Flask(__name__) UPLOAD_FOLDER = '/data/ftp' # Change this to the path wh...
{"code": 500, "status": f"Server error: {str(e)}", "url": None} # AES加密 def aes_ecb_pkcs7_encrypt(plaintext, key): key_bytes = key.encode('utf-8') cipher = AES.new(key_bytes, AES.MODE_ECB) padded_plaintext = pad(plaintext....
The development server port can be set to 0, which tells the OS to pick an available port. :issue:`2926` The return value from cli.load_dotenv is more consistent with the documentation. It will return False if python-dotenv is not installed, or if the given path isn't a file. :issu...
ServerAdmin example@xx.com DocumentRoot path <Directory "path"> Order allow,deny Allow from all </Directory> WSGIScriptAlias / path\test.wsgi </VirtualHost> 这里所有的path改成你的flask项目的文件夹目录,其他的不做改动。 然后保存一下。 这时候有个重要的一步,否则后面服务器启动后会无限报“Nomodule...
Serve static files from your app In a web app built with Python (by using any framework), your Python files always run on the web host's server and are never transmitted to a user's computer. Other files like CSS and JavaScript are used only by the browser, so the ...