name = Markup(name)#对字符串做转义处理,比如‘>’转成> returnrender_template('hello.html',name=name)#hello.html文件保存到templage目录下 # return redirect('/check') 重定向 # return abort(400) 返回400错误 @app.errorhandler(400) defbad_request(error): returnrender_template('bad_request.html...
你的浏览器得到一个 cookie。...默认情况下,除非服务器设置了Access-Control-Allow-Origin的特定HTTP标头,否则浏览器将阻止AJAX对非相同来源的远程资源的请求。...在这种情况下,像粘贴会话,或者在集中的Redis存储上存储会话这样的技术会有所帮助。关于 JWT 的说明 JWT是 JSON Web Tokens的缩写,是一种身份验证机制...
title: { text:'从 HTML 表格中提取数据并生成图表'//该功能依赖 data.js 模块,详见}, yAxis: { allowDecimals:false, title: { text:'个', rotation:0} }, tooltip: { formatter:function() {return'<b>' + '</b><br/>' +this.p...
Creates the `_unbound_fields` list and the internal `_wtforms_meta` subclass of the class Meta in order to allow a proper inheritance hierarchy."""ifcls._unbound_fieldsisNone: fields=[]#当前类所有的属性fornameindir(cls):ifnotname.startswith('_'):#得到UnboundField()对象unbound_field =getat...
return"index.html",200,{"header1":"header1_info","header2":"header2_info"}# 第一个参数是返回的信息,第二个是状态码,第三个是设置请求头(字典形式)。后两个参数可以省略 补充:原则上我们返回(return)都应该是返回Response对象,但是上面的方式也是可以的,flask智能地将他们转为了Response对象。
( url=rUrl, headers=headers, params=rParams, # 通过 params 参数传递请求参数 allow_redirects=False, timeout=10 ) if response.status_code in (200, 302): try: if response.status_code == 302: redirect_url = response.headers.get('Location') return {"code": 200, "status...
Allow returning a dictionary from a view function. Similar to how returning a string will produce a text/html response, returning a dict will call jsonify to produce a application/json response. #3111 Blueprints have a cli Click group like app.cli. CLI commands registered with a blueprint wil...
For example if the content type is text/html; charset=utf-8 the params would be {'charset': 'utf-8'}. origin¶ The host that the request originated from. Set access_control_allow_origin on the response to indicate which origins are allowed. parameter_storage_class¶ alias of Immutable...
return render_template("web.html") # 出现消息后,率先执行此处 @socketio.on("message", namespace="/ws") def socket(message): print(f"接收到消息: {message['data']}") for i in range(1, 10): socketio.sleep(1) socketio.emit("response", # 绑定通信 ...
'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*', }, crossDomain: true, contentType: "application/json", params: { account: this.message,//接口配置参数(相当于url?id=xxxx) }, }).then((res) => { console.log(['password']);//处理成功的函数 相当于success ...