db_recovery_file_dest_size big integer 110G The window retention is 1 day => CONFIGURE RETENTION POLICY TO REDUNDANCY 1; We've found that there are 839 flashback logs: SQL> SELECT * FROM V$FLASH_RECOVERY_AREA_USAGE; FILE_TYPE PERCENT_SPACE_USED PERCENT_SPACE_RECLAIMABLE NUMBER_OF_FILES CO...
现象:After upgrading database to 19c where flashback is enabled and when a guaranteed restore ...
Oracle Database - Enterprise Edition - Version 19.1 BETA and later: 19c (New Feature) : Auto Space Management for Flashback Logs in the Fast Recovery Area
create table ncuser.tab (id number, name varchar2(32), cdate timestamp, constraint pk_tab primary key(id) using index tablespace nc_idx )tablespace nc_tab; --创建序列用于造数用 create sequence ncuser.tab_seq increment by 1 start with 1 nomaxvalue nocycle cache 1000; --造数SQL insert...
Oracle Database - Enterprise Edition - Version and laterInformation in this document applies to any platform.SymptomsPost upgrade to 19.6 flashback queries see:The table <schemas>.<table> has had no DML performed on it since before the table was enabled for flashback archive.Getting...
This feature reverses the effects of a DROP TABLE statement. Oracle Flashback Database Use this feature to quickly return the database to an earlier point in time, by using the recovery area. This is fast, because you do not have to restore database backups. 19.2 Configuring Your Data...
The SYS owned tables relevant to flashback data archive are shown below. SELECT table_name FROM dba_tables WHERE owner = 'SYS' AND table_name LIKE '%FBA%' ORDER BY table_name; TABLE_NAME --- SYS_FBA_APP SYS_FBA_APP_TABLES SYS_FBA_BARRIERSCN SYS_FBA_COLS SYS_FBA_CONTEXT SYS_FBA_...
TABLE_NAME ||' DROP constraint '|| D.CONSTRAINT_NAME||';' FROM user_constraints d where d.CONSTRAINT_TYPE='R'; -s是静默,-create表示创建数据,-c是指定配置文件,就是oewizard.xml,-version指定swingbench版本,-cs表示数据库连接串,-dba表示连接到oracle数据库的用户,-dbap表示连接到oracle数据库的...
oracle 之flashback 深入研究。 今天是2013-08-24,开始进行oracle flashback 内部原理研究,记录一下笔记。 SQL> startup ORACLE instance started. Total System Global Area 405020672 bytes Fixed Size 2213816 bytes Variable Size 260048968 bytes Database Buffers 138412032 bytes ...
在Oracle中,什么是闪回事务查询(Flashback Transaction Query)? ♣答案部分 闪回事务查询(Flashback Transaction Query)是查看某个事务或所有事务在过去一段时间对数据进行的修改。 闪回事务查询提供了一种查看事务级数据库变化的方法。它是SQL的扩展,能够看到事务带来的所有变化。此外,返回补充SQL语句,并用于撤消由事务...