1975 - Road trip to the wedding. The car, presence of wives, Carrie’s cigarette and smoking, Frank’s voiceover about Carrie as mob royalty, sunny daylight exteriors in nature. The Irishmanscriptdoesn’t even use the word “flashback.” It’s supposed to feel like a single seamless and...
update、delete的条件写错甚至没有写,导致数据操作错误,需要恢复被误操作的行记录。这种情形,其实时有发生,可以选择用备份文件+binlog来恢复到测试环境,然后再做数据修复,但是这样其实需要耗费一定的时间跟资源。 其实,如果binlog format为row,binlog文件中是会详细记录每一个事务涉及到操作,并把每一个事务影响到行记...
#zhparser.dict_in_memory=off #auto_explain.log_format=text #auto_explain.log_min_duration=-1 #rds.rds_max_non_super_conns=12800 #pg_pathman.enable=on #archive_command='/bin/date' #auto_explain.log_verbose=off #log_line_prefix='\1\n\t%p\t%r\t%u\t%d\t%t\t%e\t%T\...
Was soll dieser Alonso 2011 Flashback bitte darstellen? Eure vorherigen Darstellungen versprachen, dass man das 2011er Rennen in Silverstone nachfährt. Und was bekommt man? 2024(!) Silverstone, 2024er(!) Fahrer, 2024er(!) Regeln, 2024er(!) Autos. Nichts, aber auch gar nichts erinnert ...
The following script creates a new tablespace, then creates two flashback data archives using the CREATE FLASHBACK ARCHIVE command. The first is limited in size to 10Gig with a retention period of 1 year, while the second has an unlimited quota and a retention period of 2 years. ...
Which area is the bug/glitch in?Grand prix, single player Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves?as AI hands back control behind the safety car for the restart, hit flashback What happens when the bug occurs?after flashback, camera followed the safety car, not my...
The plain text configuration data is a series of configuration entries arranged in the following format: • [0,{%config_entry1%},{%config_entry2%},…] The configuration entries have the following format: • {%entry_id%:%entry_type%:%value%} VIRUS BULLETIN CONFERENCE SEPTEMBER 2012 105 ...
Oracle Flashback TechnologyとはOracle Database機能のグループの1つであり、Point-in-Timeメディア・リカバリを使用しなくても、データベース・オブジェクトの過去の状態を表示したり、データベース・オブジェクトを前の状態に戻すことができます。 フラッシュバック機能を使用すると、次のこ...
As 2016 ends, here are some of the highlights from a memorable year! General availability now across 23 regions world wide Industry Leading...
A database upgrade fails or an upgrade script goes awry. A complete database recovery after a media failure cannot succeed because you do not have all of the needed redo logs or incremental backups. In either situation, you can use point-in-time recovery or flashback features to return the...