What Are Literary Devices? What is a Flashback in Literature? Types of Flashbacks Flashback Examples in Literature Lesson Summary Frequently Asked Questions What is a flashback in simple terms? A flashback in literature is an instance that takes place before the story begins that interrupts the...
Define flashback. flashback synonyms, flashback pronunciation, flashback translation, English dictionary definition of flashback. n. 1. a. A literary or cinematic device in which an earlier event is inserted into the normal chronological order of a narra
The meaning of FLASHBACK is a recession of flame to an unwanted position (as into a blowpipe). How to use flashback in a sentence.
Home»Literary Device»Flashback The Definitive Literary Glossary Crafted by Experts All terms defined are created by a team of talented literary experts, to provide an in-depth look into literary terms and poetry, like no other. Discover 916 more terms ...
A flashback is a transition in a story to an earlier time, that interrupts the normal chronological order of events. A flashback in a movie might show what happened when a character was younger.
"While theflashbackis common in literary presentations--novels, drama, television programs--it need not be restricted to them. Indeed, it is very often used forexpository writing. . . . "Begin a flashback as close to the conclusion, the effect, as you can. Do not 'give the plot away...
In the novella The Pearl by John Steinbeck, a poor fisherman finds a pearl that could bring incredible wealth to his family. Instead, the pearl leads to great tragedy.Answer and Explanation: In literature, a flashback is when an author moves the narrative to an earlier place in time to ...
Flashback, in motion pictures and literature, narrative technique of interrupting the chronological sequence of events to interject events of earlier occurrence. The earlier events often take the form of reminiscence. The flashback technique is as old as