RESTORE POINT ONLY --没开启Flashback Database模式下 执行闪回还原点 SQL>FLASHBACK database TO RESTORE POINT restore2;--mount状态下执行 删除还原点 SQL>drop RESTORE POINT restore2; 11g还可以指定过去的scn或timestamp CREATE RESTORE POINT res1 AS OF SCN 1229570; CREATE RESTORE POINT res2 AS OF T...
即flashback database to scn 1373570;或flashback database to timestamp to_timestamp('2013-06-26 14:05:10','yyyy-MM-dd hh24:mi:ss'); 然后alter database open read only;然后查询数据看是否需要的数据已经恢复。 如果未恢复,可以继续使用flashback database to SCN/TIMESTAMP这样语句来恢复,直到恢复...
FLASHBACK DATABASE TO RESTORE POINT 'before_upgrade'; FLASHBACK DATABASE TO SCN 202381; 1)数据库闪回(Flashback Database) 数据库闪回可以让数据库还原到过去的某个时间点,但是却不用以resetlogs的方式打开数据库。数据库闪回使用闪回日志,闪回日志放在fast recovery area 中。为了使用闪回功能,首先要开启闪回...
a guaranteed restore point created at an systemchange number (SCN) ensures that you can use Flashback Database to rewind thedatabase to this SCN. You can use restore points andFlashback Database independently or together.
Database log mode Archive Mode Automatic archival Enabled Archive destination USE_DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST Oldest online log sequence 2 Next log sequence to archive 4 Current log sequence 4 重现数据库 配置了这些先决条件之后,我们准备好配置重现数据库了。
The following examples return the database to a specified SCN or restore point: FLASHBACKDATABASE TO RESTORE POINT 'before_upgrade'; FLASHBACK DATABASETO SCN 202381; 1.1 Flashback Database Flashback Database is accessible through theRMAN command and SQL statementFLASHBACKDATABASE. You can use ...
10 执行闪回数据库语法:flashback database to resotre point 保存点名;flashback database to restore point db_drop;11 闪回数据库成功后是无法直接打开数据库的,需要执行以下操作,执行以下操作后,数据库等于是回到了之前创建保存点的时间,也就是时光倒流。注意事项 此经验由勇敢的choy原创,觉得此经验对你有...
3 创建flashback还原点SQL>create restore point b4 guarantee flashback database;4 解锁scott用户,删掉该用户的emp表;drop table emp purge;5 关闭数据库,启动数据库到mount状态 6 在mount阶段闪回数据库到删除emp表之前的状态SQL>flashback database to timestamp to_timestamp('2014-12-08 11:31:00...
一、flashback database特性 flashback data1base闪回到过去的某一时刻 闪回点之后的工作全部丢失 使用resetlogs创建新的场景并打开数据库(一旦resetlogs之后,将不能再flashback至resetlogs之前的时间点) 常用的场景:truncate table、多表发生意外错误等 使用闪回日志来实现数据库闪回,闪回点之后的数据将丢失 ...
Database (RDB) snapshots. The data flashback feature optimizes append-only file (AOF) persistence to allow AOFs to be incrementally archived. This way, data can be restored to a point in time accurate to the second. This facilitates O&M and allows you to use Tair for persistent storage....