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我代码运行启动是使用的STM32f407内部flash,我烧录完程序运行起来后,代码区占内部sector 0-4扇区。我现在需要在程序运行期间在线升级软件。但是我用FLASH_EraseSector函数擦除0-4扇区时,卡死在FLASH_EraseSector函数里,具体问题在:执行FLASH->CR |= FLASH_CR_STRT;这个语句后就卡死。但是我擦除5-11扇区测试都...
1. 确保您的硬件支持较高的擦除速度。检查 SPI Flash 芯片的数据手册,了解其性能指标。2. 检查 SPI...
}/* Erase Page1 */FlashStatus =FLASH_EraseSector(PAGE1_ID, FLASH_VOLTAGE_RANGE );/* Return Page1 erase operation status */returnFlashStatus; } 开发者ID:Tenkiv,项目名称:Tekdaqc-Firmware-Depricated,代码行数:31,代码来源:eeprom.c
I running my zephyr based firmware. Before it is run a boot loader selects the firmware image. This bootloader sets the FLASH_OPTCR register. All sectors are disabled for writing(erasing). using flash_write_protection_set function doesn'...
Describe the bug I am facing a similary problem with my disco_l475_iot1 board which has stm32l475 MCU. I am using mcuboot for updatehub app. I am not able to erase flash memory partition. A clear and concise description of what the bug i...
Hi, I had an earlier thread: [SOLVED] JFlash overwrites incorrect pages where Segger provided a solution using GDB to prevent the J-Link erasing data in the flash that we need to protect. I have the same problem with J-Flash: we use a 2-step programming
Problem: sector erase does not work I am a newbie to QSPI flash, jumping from example to example. I still have not understood whether to send 1 or 2 CMD bytes for the erase LUT sequence:- the Micron datasheet suggests there is noe CD byte, and 4 address bytes, and that's it...
I am using MIMXrt1020 evk .I want to erase sector number 593. But whenever I enter in this instruction flexspi_nor_flash_erase_sector(EXAMPLE_FLEXSPI, 593 * SECTOR_SIZE); my controller goes into fault. Please suggest me the solution Tags: flexspi mimxrt1021 nor erase...