when i set FlexSAM to traditional SRAM and erase all flash memory, SRAM boot and when call the following code, why the address 0x6000 is always 0xFFFFFFFF? whether is it wrong way to use the function FLASH_DRV_ProgramSection? I expected 1024 data can be write to flash memory by call ...
1.When the program runs to eee Initialization function "FLASH_DRV_DEFlashPartition➡FLASH_DRV_CommandSequence",mcu will reset.Reset source is "LOCK UP".I used the "step over". 2.Before mcu reset, I used the "step into" to run "FLASH_DRV_CommandSequence".The program will...
2.In issue 2 when I used the "step into" to run "FLASH_DRV_CommandSequence",Why can the program run normally?Why I debugged the same program again,issue 1 that I described earlier will not happen? 3.How to understand Reason 1 and Reason 2,are they causing this issue...