01 iPad是不能安装Adobe Flash Player For IE。IE是Windows系统的自带浏览器;iPad用的是ios系统,ios系统是不支持Adobe Flash Player,ios上的Safari等浏览器是只支持HTML5的。02 flash是adobe公司开发的一款软件,用以实现网页的视频播放,这个软件在pc领域是不可或缺的。但是这个软件虽然重要,可是其...
How to install flash player on ipad How to install Flash player or plug for adobe flash player? 4 years ago 1210 2 Ipad and flash player Hello. I bought an ipad for my online education for attend classes. But flashplayer is no longer available on ipad. How can I solve this problem?
Flash Player has never been supported on Ipad, nor any iOS devices. For supported platforms see Tech specs | Adobe Flash Player On mobile devices, an option is to use a browser that renders Flash in the cloud, such as Puffin browser. Votes 2 Upvotes Translate Translate Jump to answer...
Flash Player has never been supported on iOS devices, including iPad. Your option is to use a browser that renders Flash in the cloud. Search for something like Flash Player browser iPad for options available. Votes Upvote Translate Translate Report Report Reply Deaf Trucky AUTHOR Ne...
第一个办法:去Cydia加 repo.insanelyi.com 找 frash (flash player for ipad 但是他们给一个新的名字)安装了它就有flash player了。第二个办法:你先打开installous让后下载cloud browser打开它就可以用flash player了。
1、第一步,打开平板电脑,然后使用浏览器打开网站的Flash视频,见下图,转到下面的步骤。2、第二步,执行完上面的操作之后,打开网页的Flash视频,加载该视频后,将跳到另一页,提示“此内容需要Adobe Flash Player,您的设备不支持”,见下图,转到下面的步骤。3、第三步,执行完上面的操作之后,下载...
flash player for ipadIf you want to view Flash-based websites, play Flash games or watch Flash videos on your iPad, you\'ll come across a bit of a problem: the iPad doesn\'t support Flash. However, that doesn\'t mean you can\'t get Flash on your iPad at all. There are various...
2012年Android宣布停止支持Flash,而苹果更是坚决不容许Flash登上iPad。现在回头来看,当时并非Flash不够强大,而是由于Adobe坚持的Flash Platform策略,与苹果的iOS平台策略南辕北辙,Adobe希望复制Flash在PC上的奇迹,决定移动设备如果要嵌入Flash Player,需要支付1美元的授权费,而坚持封闭生态的苹果显然不会容忍有触角...