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This may be relevant to your query. It refers to a SB900 but I think would probably be the same for a SB910: https://strobist.blogspot.com/2010/03/q-how-to-use-your-nikon-sb-900-in.html Alternatively you could use one of these (I do): ...
Nikon SB-910 is Nikon’s most sophisticated and powerful Creative Lighting System portable Speedlight designed for use on camera as well as for complete wireless control in the studio or on location. Learn more Nikon SU-800 Wireless Speedlight Commander ...
The only time you can completely ignore motion blur is when the flash is the only light source – this is because flash durations are typically much shorter than 1/250 second. For example, with the Nikon SB-910, the duration ranges from 1/880s (at full power) to 1/38,500s (at mini...
SOME OF US were hoping for a little more from the new Nikon flagship flash. And while we have not yet gotten to play with the SB-910, on paper it seems to be a mere tweak of the SB-900 that it replaces. The updates? Like the SB-700 (released in late 2010), its buttons ...
SB900 Speedlight SB-900 Cover SB-910 Flash IR Infrared SB910 Red Cover Focusing Panel Part For Nikon SB900 About Us Our technicians have more than ten years of experience in the digital camera repair industry. We have provided our customers with a high level of satisfaction for our products...
Nikon Recycle times, after full power flash, with fresh batteries Lithium Alkaline NiMH SB-5000page H-23 2.6 seconds 1.8 seconds SB-900/SB-910page F-21 / H-21 4.5 seconds 4.0 seconds 2.3 seconds SB-800 page 19 7.5 seconds 6 seconds 4.0 seconds SB-700 page H-27 3.5 seconds 2.5 ...
The Nikon SB-700 (page H-25, H-26) and SB-910 (page H-20) prints Guide Numbers for HSS mode. HSS mode reduces GN by a factor of 2.18x (for 1/500 second shutter), which computes to be 2.24 stops loss. Continuous light exposure suffers losses at fast shutter speeds, however if ...
The SB5000 is not worth what it's commanding price wise in my mind, as even the G/N on my old SB-800's beat it and most of the -5000's fancy stuff only works on specific Nikon DSLR bodies... Unless your "budget is not an issue" includes Profoto, then the Godex eco-system ...
Di700 is practically as big as the flagship units from other brands, like Canon 600EX-RT, Nikon SB-910, etc. Often flashes of this size weigh close to a pound (450 grams), but Nissin Di700 weighs only 350 grams, which can be important for some photography applications (like, for ...