Osgood Perkins Refuses To Work With Amazon On Bond Franchise But Down To Tackle A Darth Vader Movie: “F**k Jeff Bezos” 3/6/2025 by Christopher Marc The Playlist David Arquette Sets ‘Scream 7’ Return as Dewey 3/5/2025 by Katcy Stephan ...
reset()方法:用于重置调用 Timer类有两个事件,当开始调用时会发生timer事件,调用结束时会发生timerComplete事件。这两个事件都是TimerEvent类的属性,事件名分别为Timer.TIMER和Timer.TIMER_COMPLETE。 下面是制作计时器的实例: 1、新建Flash文档 2、在图层1的第1帧,创建一个实例名为time的动态文本实例。 3、添加as...
peluru.Bullet; public class Heli extends MovieClip { var shotCooldown:int; const MAX_COOLDOWN = 10; //Settings public var xAcceleration:Number = 0; public var yAcceleration:Number = 0; private var xSpeed:Number = 0; private var ySpeed:Number = 0; private var up:Boolean ...
delete this.funcToTimerDic["onTimerFunc"]; 17,就是egret.setTimeout的第二个参数是this 而setTimeout里的第二个参数是延迟时间间隔 第三个参数才是作用域 18, //TweenLite.delayedCall((30 * dt), this.sendAtkCmd, [dic]); egret.setTimeout(this.sendAtkCmd, this, (30 * dt),dic); 17,flash...
movie is set to explore the DC multiverse, yet Barry Allen’s time travel powers in the upcoming movie contradict three DC films. After CW’sThe Flashshow extensively dealt with how dangerous time travel can be in the DC Universe,The Flashmovie will now explore that part of Barry Allen’s...
package{importflash.display.MovieClip;publicclassOLextendsMovieClip{publicfunctionOL(){super();}}} 了解flash中Tween类的朋友我就不用多说,只要用上一次便会爱上她。flash中的Tween已经发展了很长的时间,功能也非常的强大,可以用来做很多很玄的效果。这么好的东西在Silverlight中当然也会有的,其名字为:agTweene...
1.理解flash的显示列表 2.理解事件冒泡,理解鼠标事件等 3.理解flash的性能瓶颈和大多数影响性能的地方 4.理解帧跑道模型,知道timer和enterFrame的关联和区别 5.理解RSL(runtime share lib)和loader的applactiondoamin以及多模块开发/运行的优势 6.理解反射,类定义,库链接定义 7.理解常用数学公式 8.理解图形图像和...
function time() { //输出时间 trace(++t / 10); } //每隔0.1秒调用一次函数 setInterval(time,100); 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 测试上面的代码,可在输出面板中看到时间以0.1秒在递增。 提示:setlnterval()函数每隔0.1秒调用一次函数,变量t以加1的方式进行递增,t除以10后可表示时间。
When using an interactive object, such as a MovieClip or Sprite object, the runtime executes native code to detect and handle mouse interactions. Detecting mouse interaction can be CPU-intensive when many interactive objects are shown onscreen, especially if they overlap. An easy way to avoid ...
// // Requires: // - MovieClip on the Stage with an instance name of "logo". // - Button component on the Stage with an instance name of "button". // import fl.transitions.*; import fl.transitions.easing.*; var blindsObj:Object = {type:Blinds, direction:Transition.IN, duration:4...