Silicon Motion cordially invites you to visit our booth at the 2024 FMS: The Future of Memory and Storage. As AI continues revolutionizing the industries, our advanced storage solutions are designed to meet the evolving demands of AI applications. Silicon Motion executives and product managers will...
芝能智芯出品 在FMS 2024(Flash Memory Summit 2024)上,Kioxia展示了一款具有光学接口的SSD,这项技术打破了传统数据传输的瓶颈,为未来的数据中心架构和高性能计算应用提供了新的可能性。 Kioxia 此次对光学接口 SSD 的开发,目标直指 PCIe Gen8 或更高版本,当前的演示虽然只是短距离的 40 米光纤连接,但已经规划了...
The Flash Memory Summit is renaming itself to the Future of Memory and Storage, conveniently keeping the FMS acronym. FMS 2023 was held in August at the Santa Clara conference center in Silicon Valley, showcased 95 exhibitors, and drew in more than 3,000 visitors. It was the eighteenth occur...
• 鉴于各大NAND原厂已经采取了更激进的主动减产措施,Omdia 预测, NAND 市场将有望在 2024 年下半年迎来复苏。 • SK海力士公布了其 321 层 (V9)、1Tb 容量 (128GB) 的 TLC 闪存芯片,与 512Gb 的 238 层 3D TLC 设备相比,生产效率提升了 59%。其321 层 (V9) 4D 架构TLC NAND将从 2025 年上半...
目前NAND Flash已经突破200层堆叠大关,存储厂商正持续发力更高层数。8月9日SK海力士便在2023闪存峰会(Flash Memory Summit 2023)上,首次展示了全球首款321层NAND闪存样品,效率比上一代238层512Gb提高了59%。SK海力士表示将进一步完善321层NAND闪存,并计划于2025年上半期开始量产。除此之外,美光计划232层之后...
8月9日SK海力士便在2023闪存峰会(Flash Memory Summit 2023)上,首次展示了全球首款321层NAND闪存样品,效率比上一代238层512Gb提高了59%。SK海力士表示将进一步完善321层NAND闪存,并计划于2025年上半期开始量产。 除此之外,美光计划232层之后推出2YY、3XX与4XX等更高层数产品;铠侠与西数也在积极探索300层以上、...
在同一个封装中,还可以堆叠两层、四层或八层芯片。 铠侠表示,将在今年8月初在全球闪存峰会(Flash Memory Summit,FMS)的主题演讲中展示第二代XL-FLASH存储级内存解决方案。此外,相关样品计划于今年11月出货,预计2023年投入量产。
New SSDs and CXL memory modules were on display at the 2023 Flash Memory Summit, but it might take market adjustments, new infrastructure and time to reap the benefits. Continue Reading By Adam Armstrong, News Writer Definition 22 Aug 2023 RAID 6 RAID 6, also known as double-parity RA...
Samsung Electronics, the world leader in advanced memory technology, today unveiled an array of next-generation memory and storage technologies during Flash Memory Summit 2022, held at the Santa Clara (California) Convention Center, August 2-4. In a keynote titled “Memory Innovations ...
at the Flash Memory Summit 2022. X-DRAM outperforms conventional DRAM by lowering power consumption and increasing the performance of the main memory used in IT systems and consumer products. It also reduces main memory latency and closes the performance gap between the processor and the memory. ...