The receiving lens is configured to focus the spatially-selected portion of the optical signal received from the LCOS light modulator on a photodetector of the receiver.YUE LUYOUMIN WANG
collecting site information from remote imaging and scanning aerial example LiDAR (uses a pulsed laser beam to create 3D digital models of the landscape and its features test pit excavation used to sample or probe a site before large-scale excavation total excavation excavate 100% of a site; met...
Uncertainty quantificationLidar and other time-of-flight technologies have recently received significant attention in both academic and industrial biomechanics communities, driven by technological advances in human body scanners. This paper develops an efficient and rapid computational method to simulate fast ...
Early target calibration methods focus on camera and 1D or 2D LiDAR sys- tem. With the development of 3D LiDAR techniques, study concentration moved to the combination of camera and 3D mechanical scanning LiDAR. The indispensable geometric constraints can also be divided into two categories: vector...
The microstructure of the as-sintered samples was studied by scanning electron microscopy (JEOL JSM-6390 LV, Tokyo, Japan). The element distribution was analyzed by energy dispersion spectrometry (EDS) using JEOL EX-54175 JMH (Tokyo, Japan) detector combined with the microscope. The grain ...