(1)成功通过优化的闪蒸焦耳加热(FJH)过程,从橡胶废弃物中制备出具有高I2D/IG比率的闪蒸石墨烯(tFG)。 (2)制备的tFG展现出良好的水分散性和在多种溶剂中的长期稳定性,这归因于其独特的涡旋堆叠结构。 (3)tFG的添加显著提升了波特兰水泥复合材料的抗压强度,证明了tFG在改善建筑材料性能方面的潜力。 (4)研究表明...
Here, methods for optimizing production of graphene from rubber waste feedstocks are shown. Through careful control of system parameters, such as pulse voltage and pulse time, turbostratic flash graphene (tFG) can be produced from rubber waste. It is characterized by Raman spectroscopy, X-ray ...
In March 2021,the Flash Process was optimized to convert waste from rubber tires into graphene that can, in turn, be used to strengthen concrete.
Tour said, “This is a big deal,”“The world throws out 30% to 40% of all food, because it goes bad, and plastic waste is of worldwide concern. We’ve already proven that any solid carbon-based matter, including mixed plastic waste and rubber tires, can be turned into graphene.”...
Here we show that flash Joule heating of inexpensive carbon sources—such as coal, petroleum coke, biochar, carbon black, discarded food, rubber tyres and mixed plastic waste—can afford gram-scale quantities of graphene in less than one second. The product, named flash graphene (FG) after ...
"This is a big deal," Tour said. "The world throws out 30% to 40% of all food, because it goes bad, and plastic waste is of worldwide concern. We've already proven that any solidcarbon-based matter, including mixed plastic waste and rubber tires, can be turned into graphene." ...
"This is a big deal," Tour said. "The world throws out 30% to 40% of all food, because it goes bad, and plastic waste is of worldwide concern. We've already proven that any solidcarbon-based matter, including mixed plastic waste and rubber tires, can be turned into graphene." ...
Responsible disposal of vehicles at the end of life is a pressing environmental concern. In particular, waste plastic forms the largest proportion of non-recycled waste material from light-duty vehicles, and often ends up in a landfill. Here we report th
T. Characterisation of products from the recycling of glass fibre reinforced polyester waste by pyrolysis. Fuel 82, 2223–2230 (2003). Article CAS Google Scholar Cui, G. et al. Massive growth of graphene quartz fiber as a multifunctional electrode. ACS Nano 14, 5938–5945 (2020). Article ...
RUBBEREXTRUSION processGRAPHENE oxideWEAR resistanceCELLULOSE fibersNATURAL fibersCellulose fibers were modified via aqueous silane‐graphene oxide (GO) coordination by flash drying and extrusion dispersion process. The adsorption of GO reduced the polarity of the cellulose fiber surface and attenuated...