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Welcome to the unique world of Flashback! This game has been developed for you to challenge yourself, train your brain, and improve your thinking skills! Are you looking for a new and different game among hundreds of riddles games? You are in the right place and the game you are looking...
The meaning of FLASHBACK is a recession of flame to an unwanted position (as into a blowpipe). How to use flashback in a sentence.
In the fantastic Flashback - The Quest for Identity you must embark on a cool journey through a strange jungle to fight off robots and creatures and find out who you are! If you loved this excellentSega CDclassic and would like to take a look at more cool action games then why not tak...
FLASH BACK TO GREATNESS Available on PlaystationXbox A mix of favorites -- such as Haunted House®, Adventure™, and Major Havoc -- and some harder to find classics including Aquaventure, Canyon Bomber®, and MotoRodeo. Atari Flashback® Classics brings the most iconic games to the Pla...
One of the best adventure-action games ever created re-imagined by its creators.It’s the same team. It’s the same passion. Only this time, they have had much more firepower at their disposal to recreate the legendary classic! Gorgeous graphics, amazing animations.It’s the Flashback you...
On its 25th anniversary, rediscover this classic, consistently ranked among the best 100 games of all time! It was one of the first games to use motion capture technology for more realistic animations, with backgrounds that were entirely hand-drawn and a gripping science-fiction storyline. ...
One of the best adventure-action games ever created re-imagined by its creators.It’s the same team. It’s the same passion. Only this time, they have had much more firepower at their disposal to recreate the legendary classic! Gorgeous graphics, amazing animations.It’s the Flashback you...
1992 年,Flashback 革新動作遊戲,站上傳奇地位,列名史上 100 大電玩遊戲之一。 現在,原始遊戲創作者 Paul Cuisset 誠摯邀請您扮演 GBI(銀河調查局)的青年幹員 Conrad B. Hart 重新進入遊戲。 時間是 22 世紀,全太陽系在聯合世界的掌管下一片太平,不料在恐怖的 Lazarus 將軍領導之下 Morph 大舉入侵,一時的安寧...