自由电子激光(Free Electron Laser,FEL)是一种特殊的激光技术,其原理是在真空中自由运动的电子与光波场相互作用,通过调制电子束的能量和动量,使其辐射出相干性强、波长可调谐的激光。自由电子激光技术具有波长可调、脉冲宽度短、光束质量高等优点,被广泛应用于物理...
Free-electron laser FLASH, http://flash.desy.deS. Schreiber and B. Faatz, "The free-electron laser FLASH", High Power Laser Science and Engineering, vol. 3, e20 doi:10.1017/hpl.2015.16.S. Schreiber and B. Faatz, "The free-electron Laser FLASH", In: High Power Laser Science and ...
The free-electron laser in Hamburg FLASH provides gigawatt-level soft X-ray pulses at wavelengths down to 4 nm for a large range of scientific users. This chapter reports on the concept of the superconducting accelerator, the generation and formation of the electron bunches needed to drive th...
High flux extreme ultraviolet (XUV) sources like the free electron laser (FEL) in Hamburg (FLASH) offer the possibility of diffractive imaging of small objects. Irrespective of whether the diffraction is based on the detection of photons or photoelectrons, it is required that the measurement is ...
The development from a test facility for the TESLA project of a linear collider with an integrated x-ray free-electron laser (FEL) to the world's first soft x-ray FEL user facility is described. In the wavelength range from 6.5 to 60 nm, FLASH (Free-Electron Laser in Hamburg) provides...
FLASH, the Free-Electron Laser at DESY in Hamburg was the first FEL in the XUV/soft X-ray spectral range, started operation as a user facility in summer 2005, and was for almost 5 years the only short wavelength FEL facility worldwide. Hence, most of the technological developments as ...
The superconducting free-electron laser FLASH at DESY routinely produces up to several thousand photon pulses per second with wavelengths in the soft X-ray and XUV regime and with energies up to 0.5 mJ per pulse.In 2014 the assembly of a second undulator beamline, FLASH2, was finished.Recommis...
Velocity map imaging was implemented at the free electron laser in Hamburg to image atomic and molecular photoionization processes at a photon energy of 45.55 eV. High quality momentum distributions were recorded for a range of rare gases (He, Ne, Ar, Kr and Xe) and small molecules (H2, D...
We have carried out high-resolution single-pulse coherent diffractive imaging at the FLASH free-electron laser. The intense focused FEL pulse gives a high-resolution low-noise coherent diffraction pattern of an object before that object turns into a plasma and explodes. In particular we are develop...
The VUV and soft x-ray free electron laser FLASH (former VUV-FEL) is a user facility at DESY (Hamburg). In order to optimize the performance of the facility, an accurate characterization of the electron beam properties is essential. The transverse projected emittance, one of the important par...