Sheree Shatsky writes wild words. She writes flash fiction and is the author of the novella in flash Summer 1969 published by Ad Hoc Fiction 2023. #shereeshatsky #flashfiction #summer1969 #Sheree Shatsky | Summer 1969 | Flash Fiction | Wild Words#wildwor
Fictive Dream, Inkfish Magazine, Flash Fiction Magazineand the Bath Flash Anthology. Her first Novella-in-flash,Codewords, is a work of fiction which draws on her experience growing up in Belfast during the political conflict known
Flash Fiction: Ginger Tea How could she leave this house when it held so many memories for her? She didn’t want to go. She really did not want to go. She looked around the house. Her house. The home she and her husband had made. Created and nurtured by their family for the past...
Discover examples of flash fiction online. Known by various names such as sudden, micro, very short, or postcard fiction, they can be read in a few minutes.
How is it that my heart longs for that one whose bones turned to dust centuries ago? Where magic and mystery thrived. When Merlin walked the lands for good and Morgaine le Fay wove her evil spells. When kings were revered and strong ...
Want to learn how to write flash fiction stories? Champion the short-short story by reading our analysis of the flash fiction form.
“Pa had a heart attack last week,” he said, the words bruising his throat as they came out. “What! You’re telling me now?” “I didn’t know.” “What you mean you didn’t know? How’s he now?” He unlocked his phone and showed her that email. It was from his mother....
A flash fiction story—sometimes called a short short or nanofiction—is one that has a complete plot in under 1,500 words. Some flash fiction pieces consist of as few as five or six words. But no matter how short, flash fiction stories still contain the main elements of a plot. There...
Just like flash fiction’s shorter sibling microfiction, there are many different guidelines to define flash fiction. NYC Midnight, as well as many contemporary literary magazines, define flash fiction as a story of a thousand words or less. But although flash fiction keeps things brief, it’...
Posted inTanim and Daren|Taggedangels,death,fiction,flash fiction,LGBT,lucifer,queer,satan|Leave a reply #2596 Posted onDecember 5, 2022 Reply We are none of us reliable narrators, especially not in this moment we have replayed so many times I know every line and gesture by heart. The Moo...