There are several Non DCEU films that deserve to make it to the DC extended Universe in some fashion. The Flash movie could be the doorway that reintroduces these classics to the new age DC fans. But the question is – will Warner Brothers let it happen? Advertisement While the DC...
DC Universe: The Stories of Alan Moore More Info 7 Comments CBDB Entry Amazon (SC) (SC) Ebay (SC)Ebay (Search) Action Comics 584, Batman Annual 11, Batman: The Killing Joke OGN, DC Comics Presents 85, Detective Comics 549-550, Green Lantern 188, The Omega Men 26-27, Secret...
Though lead actor Ezra Miller has been a lightning rod for controversy with their many, many criminal actions, all eyes will be onThe Flashand how its time travel story will affect the DC Extended Universe. And with everything the trailer has given audiences, this film will undoubtedly be an...
Unfortunately for Aquaman, this ultimately proves that he's just not a crucial hero to keep the DC Universe stable. Fans can see the effect the Justice League member has on the timeline (or lack thereof) in Multiversity: Harley Screws Up the DCU #6, now on DC Universe Infinite and on ...
A newKid Flashis coming toDC'suniverse in a middle-age graphic novel involvingGreen LanternTai Pham.Green Lantern: Alliancecontinues Tai's story that began inGreen Lantern: Legacy.He will face his nemesis and gain a new ally. Tai Pham was first introduced inGreen Lantern: Legacyin 2020. He...
The Flash star's rom-com gets brutal first reviews Grant Gustin's rom-com drops new trailer The Flash continues to struggle at the box office The Flash director signs up for another DC movie The Flash wasn't impacted by Gunn's DC universe ...
In a summer where the cinematic universe was buzzing with the electrifying energy ofThe Flashand the creative genius of James Gunn, who’s been weaving magic for DC Comics adaptations, the surprise entrant,Blue Beetle, swoops in and establishes itself as a top-tier contender, reminiscent of the...
If you liked that video on whatThe Flash’s poor box office performance means for the future of James Gunn’s DC Universe, check out more of our videos below, including all the plot holes and unanswered questions inThe Flash(and how to possibly explain and answer all of them), our spoile...
Dark Flash is Walter West, a version of the core DC Universe hero from another reality where his wife, Linda Park, was killed by the villain Kobra. Walter West moved into the core DC Universe reality while Wally West was trapped in the Speed Force. Unlike the generally happy-go-lucky ...
DC Universe Demo - Sonya vs. the Flash Ed Boon walks us through MK vs. DC Universe and shows off Sonya vs. the Flash! By Takeshi Hiraoka on October 20, 2019 at 12:26AM PDT Upvote (1) Leave Blank View Comments (8) Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe Load Comments (8) ...