Title Nouns (food and drink) Description Based on the asset languages breakthrough (entry level) specification for Mandarin Chinese. Total Cards 10 Subject Language - Chinese Level 11th Grade Created 06/27/2011 Click here to study/print these flashcards. Create your own flash cards! Sign up...
Food and Drink 01 词汇卡guest3520295 开始学习 下载mp3 打印 玩检查自己 问题答案 Lasanha 开始学习 Lasagna 创建词汇卡 angielski
Family Flashcards Farm animal baby flashcards Feelings flashcards Food and drink 1 flashcards Food and drink 2 flashcards Food and drink 3 flashcards Food and drink 4 flashcards Food sauces flashcards Fruit flashcards Games flashcards Grammar rules Halloween flashcards Hobbies flashcards Household ...
avoid food that is likely to cause bloating, such as lentils and legumes, milk, yams, potatoes, cabbage, cauliflower, onions and high-fat foods Study These Flashcards A https://www.taipeitimes.com/News/lang/archives/2020/06/27/2003738912 19 Q B: 我們就是這麼做的。我們帶了野餐盒跟...
Describing food and drink 036 词汇卡guest2760775 开始学习 下载mp3 打印 玩检查自己 问题答案 kaloria 开始学习 calorie węglowodany 开始学习 carbohydrates gazowany 开始学习 carbonated suszony 开始学习 dried jadalny 开始学习 edible energia 开始学习 ...
饮食 food and drink 煎 to fry 炒 to stir-fry 烹 to boil, cook; fry quickly in hot oil 炸 to deep fry 人性化 humanise 安居乐业 live in peace and work happily 与时俱进 keep up with the times 晾 to dry (in the air/sun) 空巢 empty nest 受益 to benefit from 未尝 not necessarily...
Unit 6: Food and Drink - 6.3 Expressions and Tastes Teacher18 terms 04. Accessories Teacher7 terms 第二十八课(拼音) 35 terms Theme 1 (当代华人社会变迁) : A to N Teacher64 terms Chinese pre u 141 terms Integrated Chinese 1 Lesson 1 Part 1 Greetings.. ...
flash cards的意思是闪存卡、闪示卡,快闪记忆卡。 例句:When I teach young kids I like to use flash CARDS and small story books. 当我教年纪较小的孩子时,我通常用快闪记忆卡和小故事书来教学。 扩展资料 I use flash CARDS to remember new English words.使用有图有字的闪卡...
thigh and drumstick 193 Q 请翻译成英文。 牛肉 Study These Flashcards A beef 194 Q 请翻译成英文。 小牛肉 Study These Flashcards A veal 195 Q 请翻译成英文。 翅膀 Study These Flashcards A wing 196 Q 请翻译成英文。 家禽 Study These Flashcards A poultry 197 Q 请翻译...
Carbs & Cals Flashcards are a visual guide to carbohydrate and calorie counting. The pack contains 54 durable cards showing photographs of popular food and drink items. One side of each card displays the food or drink portion, and states the prepared/cooked weight below the image. The reverse...