用于来电和短信的闪烁应用程序。手机手电筒应用程序。 FLASH 应用程序:FLASH 通知、来电和短信的 FLASH 警报。手机手电筒应用 当手机收到通知或接听电话时,闪光灯会亮起并闪烁。手电筒:Led 手电筒是适用于 Android 手机的最佳通知闪光灯应用程序。 当您在黑暗的地方或在您不想听到铃声或振动的会议中时,来电时闪烁...
2.交替模式:收到多个通知时几个LED的颜色会交替闪烁。 3.屏幕模式:通知警报将显示在屏幕上(对于那些没有通知LED的设备)。 展开+ 应用信息 名称:Flash on Call and SMS 版本:6.1.4 包名:com.unidroid.flash.on.call.sms MD5值:a160d6bd93ae6f441a57323d73eca396...
NewCall - International calls and SMS WORLDWIDE SMS: - Send & Receive SMS from all countries including GSM Operators like Vodafone, T-Mobile, ATT&T, Airtel, Telefonica, MTN, Turkcell, China Mobile and hundreds more… CALL FEATURES: - Amazing call screens created for you! - Receive & send...
NewCall - International calls and SMS WORLDWIDE SMS: - Send & Receive SMS from all countries including GSM Operators like Vodafone, T-Mobile, ATT&T, Airtel, Telefonica, MTN, Turkcell, China Mobile and hundreds more… CALL FEATURES: - Amazing call screens created for you! - Receive & send...
well, with the new Flash on Call and sms app your problem is solved. You can get flashlight Led Alert with call or Sms on your phone. This Flash call alert app is made to solve all the problem of missing call sms alert. This app is design to notify you by flashlight with call ...
Brightest color flashlight app, that regulate color led torch flashlight alerts, flashy alert on sms Colourful flash on call and sms, torch color, 7 color flash arduino on call and text If you are fed-up to use your old androids style flash, ring tone or LED flash hero light, youll ...
Flash Blinking on Call and SMS应用简介 版本:1.0.5 分类: 新闻阅读搞笑 Flash Blinking on Call and SMS2025更新内容 提升了稳定性。 相关应用 最新应用 Flash Alert : Call & SMS Flash Blink On Call - SMS Flash Alert on Call / SMS Flash on Call SMS Notification Flash Call (speed Call & sms)...
Flash on Call and SMS alerts notifications you through camera flash alerts when you have new incoming call or message. The Backside blinking flash alerting notification you of new SMS or Call. This blinking Flash alerts on call and SMS aler
Flash Alert on Call and SMS應用程式統計資料3月3日:包含用戶、下載量分析、Flash Alert on Call and SMS競品對比、Google Play 中的每日及歷史排名、熱門關鍵字等多項資料!點擊此處
期間中のFlash Alerts on Call and SMSダウンロード数と毎日のアクティブユーザー数を表示して、Flash Alerts on Call and SMSユーザーの使用パターンを分析。 ユーザー 期間中のFlash Alerts on Call and SMSダウンロード数と毎日のアクティブユーザー数を表示して、Flash Alerts on Call and SM...