网络迅盘模块设置;闪存模块;启用或禁用 网络释义
Use of the 256-GB Flash Cache module (FC 1058) requires the Flash Cache module software feature. Note:Flash Cache modules were formerly referred to as Performance Acceleration Modules (PAM) II. For the single-node N6040, the maximum number of this adapter is one. For the dual-node N6040...
XIV flash caching is implemented as an extension of the primary cache layer. 每个模块400GB Cache,那一个系统就是6TB(400GB*15),从11.4开始,每个Module能支持800GB。Flash cache 只用于读操作,当不再需要Cache中的数据时,直接drop掉就行了。 XIV flash caching overview Flash caching算法是嵌入在XIV Firmwa...
FCMFlash Cache Module(internal computer flash drive) FCMFood Chain Multiplier FCMForeign Consequence Management FCMFellowship of Christian Motorcyclists FCMFast Component Mounter(Philips) FCMFootball Club Midtjylland(Danish soccer team) FCMField Control Module ...
Use of the 512-GB Flash Cache module (FC 1057) requires the Flash Cache module software feature. Note:Flash Cache modules were formerly referred to as Performance Acceleration Modules (PAM) II. For the single-node N6070, the maximum number of this adapter is two. For the dual-node N6070...
.module = THIS_MODULE, .ctr = flashcache_ctr, .dtr = flashcache_dtr, .map = flashcache_map, .status = flashcache_status, .ioctl = flashcache_ioctl, }; 创建flashcache设备之后就会调用构造函数flashcache_ctr,再找到: 1290 if (persistence == CACHE_CREATE) { ...
快取存储器(Cache memory,翻译版本有缓存,快取缓存区,快取存储器;台湾翻译为快取。):在处理器内,执行程序时“暂时储存”程序与资料的地方,通常以 SRAM 制作。 主存储器(Main memory):在处理器外,“暂时储存”程序与资料的地方,通常以 DRAM 制作,目前已经改良成 SDRAM 或 DDR。
SRAM 的英文全称是"Static RAM",翻译成中文就是"静态随机存储器"。SRAM主要用于制造Cache 什么是Cache Cache 的英文原意是"储藏",它一般使用SRAM制造,它与CPU之间交换数据的速度高于DRAM,所以被称作"高速缓冲存储器",简称为"高速缓存"。由于CPU的信息处理速度常常超过其它部件的信息传递速度,所以使用一般的DRAM来作为...
Flash Cache module and PAM module EMS messagesdoi:GUID-9887ADD4-1582-4D9F-8409-CEFF62CBCAA0The caching module WAFL cache, hardware driver, and system monitoring can generate error messages. All messages are reported through the EMS.catalina...
SRAM 相较于 DRAM 速度较快,不过价格也比较贵,两者各自有不同的应用领域 。DRAM 一般用在主存储器,而 SRAM 一般被采用在内存缓存 ( Cache Memory )上。 DRAM v.s. Flash Flash 应用领域较 DRAM 更为广泛,PC、消费电子产品、手机等等都是 Flash 的终端应用产品。且不同的应用就需要不同规格的 Flash,因此 ...