Define Flash burns. Flash burns synonyms, Flash burns pronunciation, Flash burns translation, English dictionary definition of Flash burns. n. A burn resulting from brief exposure to intense radiation. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Lang
Window frames and general frames are manufactured by Flash-welding for different industries. With very large equipment, thelongitudinal seamof thick pipes can be manufactured by Flash-welding. Flash welding as a process is quite similar toUpset Welding, the main difference being the measure ofFlashb...
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According to this welding method, the generation of a die burn, which is caused by the generation of a spark between the electrode 2 and the base material 1 is prevented completely. Accordingly, a trouble for repairing a product chain becomes unnecessary, and the reliability of a product is ...
light waves created by the welding process that causes a burn similar to sun burn wire feeder A device which supplies a steady stream of wire to the welding gun weld liner The sole purpose is to guide the welding wire from the wire feeder through the torch cable, to the contact tip ...
A fin of excess metal along the mold joint line of a casting, occurring between mating die faces of a forging or expelled from a joint in resistance welding. McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. ...
8 评论次数: 0 文档热度: 文档分类: 行业资料--国内外标准规范 系统标签: weldingflashcenstandardsbritishbsi raisingstandardsworldwide ™ NOCOPYINGWITHOUTBSIPERMISSIONEXCEPTASPERMITTEDBYCOPYRIGHTLAW BSIStandardsPublication BSEN14587-3:2012 Railwayapplications—Track— Flashbuttweldingofrails Part3:Weldinginassoci...
When the welding cycle is initiated the platens 12 are moved towards each other by an hydraulic platen motion control 10 during which time an arc is formed between the workpieces during the pre-flash period to burn off any projections from the surfaces to be welded together. During the ...
Copyright © 1981-2024 byThe Computer Language Company Inc. All Rights reserved. THIS DEFINITION IS FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY. All other reproduction is strictly prohibited without permission from the publisher. Want to thank TFD for its existence?Tell a friend about us, add a link to this page...
Define Flash gun. Flash gun synonyms, Flash gun pronunciation, Flash gun translation, English dictionary definition of Flash gun. n 1. a type of electronic flash, attachable to or sometimes incorporated in a camera, that emits a very brief flash of light