「今日新发现:The Flaming Star Nebula」御夫AE星被命名为烽火恒星,周围的星云IC 405被称为"烽火恒星云"(Flaming Star Nebula),并且该星云看起来像旋转的火焰,但实际上并没有火的存在.这是因为火焰只有在氧气充...
Here is an image of the Flaming Star Nebula captured using aCanon EOS Ramirrorless camera. This image features the nearby Tadpoles Nebula, as well as a number of other deep-sky objects in the surrounding area. From our vantage point on Earth, open star clusters M36 and M36 are not far a...
Flaming Star NebulaHoser
虽然御夫AE星称为火焰恒星,周围的星云IC 405名为火焰恒星云(Flaming Star Nebula),此区对某些人来说形似涡状火焰,然而此处并没有火。常见的凡火是物质和氧剧烈结合所致,只有在氧够多的环境才会发生,是以在像恒星这种高能低氧的环境里,火无足轻重。位在火焰恒星云中心的明亮御夫AE星极为炽热,故星色泛蓝,而它所...
说明: 涟漪状的尘埃和云气丝,让这个星云博得火焰星云 (Flaming Star Nebula)的称号。星云红色和紫色区域来自不同的过程; …www.360doc.com|基于20个网页 2. 火焰之星星云 火焰之星星云(Flaming Star Nebula)(Credit:NASA)猎户座大星云中的高温等离子体云层,蓝色部分表示云层中散射出的…tw.aboluowang.com|基于11个...
紫色区域的颜色是由这种红光和御夫座AE所发出的、被周围的尘埃反射的蓝光混合而成。这两种区域分别被称作发射星云和反射星云 。使用哈勃望远镜调色板方式着色的这张照片中的火焰恒星星云,其正式名称为IC 405, 距离我们大约1500光年, 跨度约5光年,使用小望远镜可以在御夫座中观测到。
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With 'funnel' I referred to the reflection nebula around AE Auriga (the blue star in the center) that looks like smoke. Yes, NGC 1893 also is a nice target (still on my list). Unfortunately both together are too large for my FOV. Would be a reason for an additional reducer/flattener...
where you can spot various vague shapes quite easily if you look at enough of them. With the vast number of images of celestial bodies, it is no wonder that there are things like this jack-o’-lantern sun, as well as aJack-o’-Lantern Nebula, galaxies that combine to look like aMena...
The Flaming Star NebulaEducation