Playing Flags of the World is that simple! Play this Quiz game online in Miniplay. 74,307 total plays, play now!
This is a learning app where you can learn national flags of the world while playing like a game. This is a quiz game that both children and adults can enjoy learning together. This quiz app contains national flags of about 200 countries and regions, from countries that everyone knows to ...
Educational Flag Game to allow player to guess the name of the country based on clues which include; capital, continent, neighbors, map outline, currency & anthem.
Image 18 of 36 · © All rights reserved· ID: 1397394 · Posted to Game Image Caption User actions menu @indigopotter Designer Aug 20, 2012 English edition: side of box 1 Give GeekGold Subscribe Downloads Share Add a Tag Links Flags of the World (English edition) ...
Playing Flags of the World Quiz is that simple! Play this Quiz game online in Miniplay. 18,979 total plays, play now!
This is a learning app where you can learn national flags of the world while playing like a game. This is a quiz game that both children and adults can enjoy learning together. This quiz app contains national flags of about 200 countries and regions, from countries that everyone knows to ...
Flag Bingo is a printable educational game that challenges children to learn and identify the flags of the world. Featuring the flags of 120 countries and with two ways to play, Flag Bingo is a fun supplement to teaching geography in preschool, kindergar
the flags of the world游戏简介 Do you know what the flag looks like? This free educational app will refresh your memory on national flags.Why do they prefer this app for many other applications on flags?It is an excellent game for all students of the geography of the world. Guess all th...
Flags Of The World Quiz: Add Friends Who Play DailyGame Friends will help you to clear hard levels by suggesting simple tricks, you can also request bonus, item, reward, gift etc from friends. Start New Discussion DISCUSSIONSPOSTED ON ↑REPLIESVIEWS Flags Of The World Quiz: Need Help- Pos...
Flags Of The World – Quiz Game游戏简介 如何聪明你通过看他们的国旗发现国名?“标志的世界 - 问答游戏”是一个很好的教育游戏,可以帮助你发现更多的国家的国旗。此外,它更类似“4图片1字”的游戏。产品特点:超过170标志在此应用程序可用。提示的可用 - 国家的首都或字母简单的用户界面能够将其移动到SD卡上。