npm install vue3-flag-icons Usage Firstly, you need to import the CSS. It is recommended that you do this at the app level, for example while creating and mounting your app: main.ts: import App from '@/App.vue' import { createApp } from 'vue' import 'vue3-flag-icons/styles' ...
import App from '@/App.vue' import { createApp } from 'vue' import 'vue3-flag-icons/styles' // <-- importing the css createApp(App).mount('#app') but you could also just import the CSS whenever you import the component.To use the component, just import it and use it:App.vue:...
Vue icon flag components based on flagpack iconsFlagpack. Check out thedemo. Installation npm install @placetopay/flagicons-vue Usage import{FlagIcon}from'@placetopay/flagicons-vue';<template><FlagIconflag="co" /></template> npm i@placetopay/flag...
Actions: placetopay-org/flagicons-vue Actions All workflows Deploy to GitHub Pages Release package Update changelog Management Caches Deployments Attestations All workflows Showing runs from all workflows 11 workflow runs Event Status Branch Actor Release package Release package #4:...
flag-icons全球所有国家的国旗 SVG 格式素材,附带 CSS 代码以及国旗图标使用教程,分成亚洲、非洲、欧洲、北美洲、南美洲、大洋洲的所有国旗都可以在这里看到,还有一个寻找学习世界国旗的小游戏,帮助你认识国旗的是哪个首都,有需要直接单击下载按钮使用,可千万不要商用哦。
Or install and use with just a few lines of code, available for Vue or React. Learn how to get started Every flag you'll ever need With over 250 pixel flag icons Flagpack has everything you need. Being an open source project, flag icons are under continual improvement. Look up any ...
Vue icon flag components based on flagpack iconsFlagpack. Check out thedemo. Installation npm install @placetopay/flagicons-vue Usage import{FlagIcon}from'@placetopay/flagicons-vue';<template><FlagIconflag="co" /></template> npm i@placetopay/flag...
@placetopay/spartan-vue @tailwindcss/forms @types/node @vitejs/plugin-vue autoprefixer postcss prettier tailwindcss typescript vite vite-svg-loader vue-tsc npm i@placetopay/flagicons-vue Repository ...
Vue icon flag components based on flagpack icons. Contribute to placetopay-org/flagicons-vue development by creating an account on GitHub.
packages/lucide-vue-next/rollup.config.mjs Outdated Show resolved packages/lucide-vue/rollup.config.mjs Outdated Show resolved karsa-mistmere added 4 commits January 15, 2024 09:38 Update rollup.config.mjs 7c631aa Update rollup.config.mjs a2c5601 Update rollup.config.mjs ebb82c2 Update...