《普罗米修斯序曲 Prometheus Overture》贝多芬 - LiuZhipei 刘志培 in Canada 2009-05-18 01:25 《歌劇魅影 Phantom of Opera - All I Ask of You》韦伯 - LiuZhipei 刘志培 in China 2009-05-18 08:39 《波斯幻想序曲 Persian Fantasy Overture》Hosay - LiuZhipei 刘志培 指挥 中国人民解放军-总政军...
Global increasing incidence of young-onset colorectal cancer across 5 continents: a joinpoint regression analysis of 1,922,167 cases. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2019;28(8):1275-1282. doi:10.1158/1055-9965.EPI-18-1111 PubMedGoogle ScholarCrossref 9. Gu WJ, Pei JP, ...
The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame opened its famous I.M. Pei-designed museum in Cleveland in 1995. Thomas Edison, from Erie County, Ohio, holds more than 1,000 patents, including for the light bulb and phonograph. Otherfamous inventionsby Ohioans include chewing gum (Amos Tyler, first patent...
关键词: 砂岩型铀矿; 铀源条件; 控矿构造; 关键控矿要素; 鄂尔多斯盆地 中图分类号: P571 文献标志码: A doi: 10.3975/cagsb.2022.122902 Analysis of Metallogenic Condition and Key Ore-controlling Factor of Sandstone-hosted Uranium Deposits in the Ordos Basin YU Reng-an1, 2, 3), JIN Ruo-shi2...