🇮🇪Flag: Ireland 🇮🇱Flag: Israel 🇮🇲Flag: Isle of Man 🇮🇳Flag: India 🇮🇴Flag: British Indian Ocean Territory 🇮🇶Flag: Iraq 🇮🇸Flag: Iceland 🇮🇹Flag: Italy 🏁Flags Search for other Meanings of Emojis ...
将“ Flag of Northern Ireland "自动翻译成 威尔士文 Fflag Gogledd Iwerddon Glosbe Translate Baner Gogledd Iwerddon Google Translate 添加示例 在上下文、翻译记忆库中将“Flag of Northern Ireland"翻译成 威尔士文 变形 干 匹配词 所有 精确 任何 Flag of Northern Ireland Baner Gogledd Iwerddon ...
It is not quite a battleship but on Wednesday the LE James Joyce, anoffshore patrol vesselof Ireland’s naval service, is expected to sail through Dublin Bay under the Munster flag. offshore [ˌɒfˈʃɔː(...
The national flag of Italy has three colours - green, white and red. 意大利国旗有三种颜色——绿色、白色和红色。 Our leader is waving the flag in the front of team. 我们的领导正在队伍前挥舞着旗帜。 The flag of Ireland has three colors - green, white and orange. 爱尔兰的国旗有三种颜...
St Patric k's cross of Irelan d was r e d an d also shape d lik e an"X". All thr e e flags now m a d e up th e Union Jack.21. T h e Union Jack is th e flag of A . th e Unit e d Nations B . Ireland C. Englan d an d Scotland D. Great Britain22. It is...
RUGBY UNION: Murphy and Brennan Fly the Flag for IrelandRead the full-text online article and more details about "RUGBY UNION: Murphy and Brennan Fly the Flag for Ireland" - The News Letter (Belfast, Northern Ireland), May 24, 2003
Ireland saw its first deaths - though 'no more than 10' - while the potentially killer strain has now been confirmed in parts of the UK too.\n(Image: Getty)\nNo deaths have been reported here but Public Health England's latest flu report, released on January 4th, reveals 17 people are...
N NATO Navarra Neuchatel Nevada New-Mexico New-South-Wales Newfoundland-and-Labrador Nidwalden Nordzypern North-Carolina North-Dakota North-Rhine-Westphalia Northern-Ireland Northern-Territory Nova-Scotia Nunavut O Obwalden Ohio Oklahoma Ontario Oregon P Pennsylvania Pirate-with-Bone Pirate-with-scarf ...
Chợ Đồng Văn天气6℃/10℃ Northernmost Point of Vietnam天气6℃/10℃ Đồng Văn Điểm Hẹn Nơi Cực Bắc天气6℃/10℃ Dong Van Plateau天气6℃/10℃ Dong Van Viewpoint - French Fort天气6℃/10℃ Phim trường "Chuyện của Pao"天气6℃/10℃ ...
of Physics and Astronomy, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC 27516-3255, USA 26 School of Mathematics & Hamilton Mathematics Institute, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin 2, Ireland 27 Physics Department, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195-1560, USA 28 Fermi National Accelerator ...