这种flag正在危害全球环境 使用“方便旗”(flag of convenience)这一漏洞以求在环境管制宽松的地区报废船只的行为正在急剧飙升。 船舶运输着世界90%的贸易货资,因此对全球经济至关重要。但当油轮及其他大型船体报废并被拆解时,它们会产生大量的海洋污染,这一现象在当地环境法规对于拆船管理松懈的国家地区尤为严重。 在...
The article focuses on quasi-flag of convenience shipping. Often manned by poorly trained and under-paid crew and owned by shadowy, unscrupulous characters with indeterminate nationalities, flags of convenience (FOC) ships have been pejoratively referred to as rust buckets, pirate flags, free booters...
1.A Study on the Special Registry of Chinese Owned International Shipping Flag of Convenience Ships;中资国际航运方便旗船舶特别登记问题研究 2.Initial analysis of temporary bridge reinforcement scheme in construction of Chang-Yuan line Hongqi Bridge长原线红旗大桥施工便桥加固方案浅析 3.This buffer zone ...
What is "flag of convenience" (definition) "Flag of Convenience" is called the flag state of a merchant ship when registered in a state different from that of its owners. More than half of all merchant ships in the world are registered under flags of convenience, and according to the late...
flag of convenience Financial Acronyms Encyclopedia Wikipedia flag of convenience n.pl.flags of convenience A foreign flag under which a merchant vessel is registered for purposes of reducing operating costs or avoiding government regulations. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth...
Flags of convenience and the Gulf oil spill: problems and proposed solutions Because there may still be advantages to continuing to fly a flag of convenience, ships that do so may want to reform their behavior sufficiently that they will not have to abandon those flags. Globalization, competition...
Lifelong Learning as a Flag of Convenience Owners of rustbucket ships register them in Liberia and Panama, where requirements are less onerous than in New York, London, Tokyo or Rotterdam. Flags of convenience conceal harsh working conditions, slipshod cargo-handling and careless... R Boshier -...
We're going to suggest that French cargo ships sailing under the Americanflag of conveniencebe liable to seizure by privateers. Predložićemo da francuski teretni brodovi plove pod američkomzastavom interesa ida budu konfiskovaniodstrane privatnika. ...
only;In order to check such ‘use of flag of convenience’, a ‘genuine link’ between the state and the ship is emphasized international law.;The state must effectively exercise its jurisdiction and control in administrative, technical, and social matters over ships flying its flag;Ships which...
方便旗船舶 1. Views on the safety control of ships flying Convenient Flags; 关于方便旗船舶安全监管的思考 更多例句>> 6) charter under flag of convenience 悬挂方便旗租船补充资料:权宜 暂时合适;灵活变通:这只是权宜之举。 说明:补充资料仅用于学习参考,请勿用于其它任何用途。参考...