(that you cant apply the Clip Color to all the filtered clips at once via the Edit Index is an annoyance betterdiscussed in this thread). I thought I'd be able to filter these same clips in the Deliver Page, so I could just render those clips out, but alas, there is no way to ...
}140 changes: 65 additions & 75 deletions 140 app/Validation/FireflyValidator.php Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change @@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ public function validate2faCode($attribute, $value): bool if (!is_string($value) || 6 !== strlen($value)) { ...
详见 http://ufldl.stanford.edu/wiki/index.php/Softmax%E5%9B%9E%E5%BD%92 在Logistic re...开通Hadoop本地运行模式 官方Grep案例 1. 创建在hadoop-2.7.2文件下面创建一个input文件夹 $ mkdir input 2. 将Hadoop的xml配置文件复制到input $ cp etc/hadoop/*.xml input 3. 执行share目录下的MapReduce...
详见 http://ufldl.stanford.edu/wiki/index.php/Softmax%E5%9B%9E%E5%BD%92 在Logistic re...开通Hadoop本地运行模式 官方Grep案例 1. 创建在hadoop-2.7.2文件下面创建一个input文件夹 $ mkdir input 2. 将Hadoop的xml配置文件复制到input $ cp etc/hadoop/*.xml input 3. 执行share目录下的MapReduce...
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*micro*code* -y ## 建议安装: sudo apt install -y apt-xapian-index debtags needrestart needrestart-session hobbit-client libcwidget-dev lib*scalar* libbareword-filehandles-perl libindirect-perl libmultidimensional-perl libdevel-lexalias-perl libdevel-stacktrace-perl #apt-listbugs bsd-mailx *...
In this example, we will simply place the landmark for the capture zone in the same location as the landmark for the intelligence. Create a brush-based border that is 16 units wide and 2 to 4 units high around the pedestal. Texture it with the {{Code|props/hazardstr...
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