*** Zero gridpoint stiffness An active gridpoint shows zero accumulated stiffness. Check the material properties being used. FLAC 3D Version 2.0 B - 17 B.2 FISH Error Messages *** Array index is not an integer *** Array name is already used by an array *** Bad syntax Check your ...
需要金币:*** 金币(10金币=人民币1元) FLAC3D中出错警告.pdf 关闭预览 想预览更多内容,点击免费在线预览全文 免费在线预览全文 FLAC3D中出错警告 FLAC 3D Version 2.0 B - 1 B ERROR MESSAGES B.1 FLAC3D-Specific Errors *** A zone has undefined material model One or more zones in the model has...
FLAC3D中出错警告 FLAC3DVersion2.0 B-1 BERRORMESSAGES B.1FLAC3D-Speci?cErrors ***Azonehasundefined material model Oneormorezonesinthemodelhasnothadamaterialmodelde?ned.Thismustbedonebeforecycling.***AllzoneshaveNULLfluidmodel Nozoneswithactive?uidmaterialmodelsarepresent.Eitheractivatesomezonesfor?uid...
***Cablehaszerolength Acablewasspecified/foundwithazeroelementlength. ***Cablestiffnessparametershavenotbeenset Somecablematerialpropertieswerenotspecifiedpriortocycling. ***Cannotallocatememory FLAC 3D couldnotallocateitsreservedmemory.Specifylessreservedmemoryat thecommandline ***Cannotapplystressinglobal...
Now, the average force ratio is nearly zero. After inserting the line above, press the button to re-run the problem. Note that, in this case, the initial displacements in the model are automatically zero. Looking back at the example shown in the topic Further Discussion: Applying Boundary ...
Next, the boundary blocks are immobilized. Using theblockfixcommand and specifying the necessary range will freeze each block’s centroid velocity at its current value. In this case, the centroid velocity is currently zero. This will prevent any movement, thus creating boundary conditions. If you...
*** Must specify a non-zero extrusion vector An extrusion vector must be speci?ed for an extruded type of surface generation. *** Must specify position to create new node In order to create a new cable node, a position in space must be speci?ed. *** Must specify all three nodes of...
Theextentkeyword is valid for thegeometry-distancerange element, finding the minimum distance to the Cartesian extent of an object. This can be used with a distance value of zero to return an approximation of all objects that actually intersect the geometric set. For example, the following comman...
Also, the shear stresses on the plane of the crack are set to zero (or stress state within the zone is such that the traction on the crack plane is zero). After the crack closes (i.e., εp1=0), the model behaves as if the crack does not exist, except that the tensile strength...
parameters to define the elasticity, g0 and CDr when elasticity-r is zero by the relation of Gr=g0(Dr+Dr0). If elasticity-r is input a positive value, g0 and CDr will not be used. elasticity-r f (a) parameters to define the elasticity, Gr. If elasticity-r is input a positive ...