The guidelines,jointly released by nine organs including the Ministry of Education and the Supreme People’s Court,ordered schools to be aware of the consequences of bullying and violence,and that officials should take responsibility for serious incidents of bullying or violence in areas in their cha...
were mdividuals and 10 or~&niz-ations ssked Att y WlIllam ., Kunstler the Law Center for Constitutional of 'RI g hts t o brin g suit m federal court to stop the harassment. The " preven t I.v"e measures. H e s d -suit is based on the U.S. Supreme mitted there had been...
73 "The Lights of Zetar" Strange, energy-based alien life forms threaten the Memory Alpha station and the Enterprise crew. 74 "The Cloud Minders" Kirk races against time to acquire plague-fighting minerals from a world in the midst of a civil uprising. 75 "The Way to Eden" The Enterpris...