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This paper develops both exact and approximate models for the analysis of an all-optical packet switch based on a fiber-loop buffer memory (FLBM). The switch structure and operation is based on the fully shared buffer architecture of the Research and Development in Advanced Communications in Euro...
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Low-rank representation (LRR) intends to find the representation with lowest rank of a given data set, which can be formulated as a rank-minimisation problem. Since the rank operator is non-convex and discontinuous, most of the recent works use the nuclear norm as a convex relaxation. It is...
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Numerical modelling of crack shielding and deflection in a multi-layered material system P.A.S ReedS SyngellakisElsevier B.V.Materials Science & Engineering ANumerical modeling of crack shielding and deflection in a multi-layered material ... MR Joyce,PAS Reed,S Syngellakis - 《Materials ...
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Prepárate con el pronóstico para los próximos 10 días más preciso para Boca Ratón, FL, Estados Unidos. Consulta la temperatura máxima y mínima y la probabilidad de lluvia en The Weather Channel y Weather.com