Reference With Buffer R93 VREF_BUF VREF_BUF 0 4.4 Power Supply Regulator—LDO The LDO provides the required power supply for the AFE operation. Fixed output regulators are used to power the differential amplifiers, buffer, op amp, and reference. The regulator which has been selected has a ...
All bits of the serial I/O status register are initialized to “0” at reset, but if the transmit enable bit (bit 4) of the serial I/O control register has been set to “1”, the transmit shift register shift completion flag (bit 2) and the transmit buffer empty flag (bit 0) ...
WM8974 REGISTER ADDRESS R49 Table 43 Disabled Outputs to VREF Resistance A dedicated buffer is available for tying off unused analogue I/O pins as shown in Figure 21. This buffer can be enabled using the BUFIOEN register bit. If the ... Page 47 Production Data OUTPUT SWITCH When the devi...
复制 voidTcpConnection::handleRead(Timestamp receiveTime){loop_->assertInLoopThread();int savedErrno=0;ssize_t n=inputBuffer_.readFd(channel_->fd(),&savedErrno);if(n>0){//messageCallback_指向CTcpSession::OnRead(const std::shared_ptr<TcpConnection>& conn, Buffer* pBuffer, Timestamp recei...