Fruity Delay 3和Fruity Delay Bank的反馈端口同时囊括了反馈的音量、滤波以及立体声设置,基于前面提到Input端口中的“PAN”参数偏移的前提下,Delay 2 中反馈端口的“NORMAL” 和“STEREO”表示正常接收反射回来的声像偏移;“INVERT”则是将反射回来的声像翻转后输出;“MONO”表示将所有声像偏移全部清零后输出,“PING ...
Want to know how to use FL Studio? Check out this guide that has everything you need to know to start making music in FL Studio.
VOICES,失谐音数量。 STEREO,失谐音立体声数量。 DETUNE,失谐音失谐量。 KEYBOARD OCTAVE,音高设置,八度设置。 MONO VOICE,点亮后是单音模式, 不能输入和弦。 MIDI / EQ,进入MIDI与EQ模 块。 BANK,打开音色预置选择窗口。 MIDI与EQ模块 (MIDI模块我不是很熟悉,我没有MIDI键盘,这属于为硬件部分设置) VELOCITY ...
上图为FL Studio自带的延迟插件,其主要参数有: Time,可以设置不同的延迟速率,我们使用的时候点亮“Tempo Sync”可以激活效果器的速度校准功能,激活后延迟效果器就会严格按照当前工程BPM速度来工作。 DelayModel模块用于设置延迟效果器的模式,有Mono单声道、Stereo立体声延迟、Ping Pong乒乓延迟等三种效果,不同的效果有不...
In this guide, we will show you how to get started with FL Studio. We’ll walk you through how to record audio, make MIDI tracks, and use plug-ins.
Mono / Stereo,单/双声道转换, (注意转换为单声道后再转为双声道是不行的,应该用撤销来返回)。 关于编辑采样属性窗口 file:///H://FL6/word/fl6-24-b.html 2/4 2014年8月6 日 FL Studio工具-Edison Info Title,采样名称。 Comments,采样描述内容。 Format Samplerate(Hz) Set,采样速率设置。
And finally, thestereo separationtool lets you make your trackmonoor stereo. By turning this knob to the right, you get a completely mono sound. By turning it to the left, it’ll sound way more stereo. Making bass and kick tracks mono is a great way to make room for the rest of yo...
FL Studio 机架 黄金VIP免费 FL Studio 20提取原始干声和导出混音MP3(使用视频教程) FL Studio 20在录音的时候需要注意一下,所要录音的音轨不能使用效果插件,如果使用了插件那录出来的声波会带插件处理后的效果。我们在使… 2020年06月08日 ¥ 8积分 4506 ‹‹ 1 ›› 孤狼官方 关注 私信 ...
FL PluginDemo installer included in FL Studio installer Spreader $49.00Add to cart Widens the stereo image of your audio without affecting its compatibility with mono systems. This means that even if you listen to the audio on a mono speaker or a system that combines stereo channels into mono...
FL STUDIO | Spreader Stereo Enhancer Spreaderis included withFL Studio Producer Editionand up. Spreader widens the stereo image of your audio without affecting its compatibility with mono systems. This means that even if you listen to the audio on a mono speaker or a system that combines stereo...