【Make unique】命令用于为当前剪辑创建一个副本,这样可以单独对这个副本编辑而不会影响原来的剪辑。如果是式样剪辑使用此命令,会克隆出当前式样作为一个副本,这样编辑这个副本而原来的式样就不会被更改。由于剪辑音轨中可能有多个相同源的剪辑,编辑后所有的剪辑都会发生相同的变化。因此,如果要单独改变某个剪辑就需要用...
make unique的作用是将多个相同、一起变化的pattern解开,使得可以单独编辑。如果不存在两个或以上相同的...
It has shortcut keys for almost all the functions in the DAW which makes it even faster to work and navigate in the DAWCONS I had only used Producer and Signature versions of FL Studio so here is what I least like about them:1. There is not much difference between Producer and ...
And as you dive into the awesome audio world in FL Studio Mobile, the app will let you to make uses of many virtual instruments. Feel free to use your high quality sythesizers, drum kits, piano keyboard, sliced-loop beat, and other unique elements to create a good mix. With these, i...
It’s quite simple to make 808 with Sytrus if you are a beginner. There are some steps to perform to… FL Studio Tutorials Books Tips & Tricks1 Min Read How to use Fruity Granulizer on FL – Video Tutorial The video is short but cool, 1:33 taking you on a different path with Fruit...
FL Studio is one of the most intuitive music production programs we have reviewed. With its customizable interfaces, you can detach and resize all windows to speed up your workflow and make the tools you use most easily accessible. FL Studio is quite pop
This is a short one, but I see it misunderstood all the time. FL has a duplicate option that makes it very fast. First, if you make a selection and hit “ctrl+b,” FL will duplicate that selection at the end of that selection of events. This lets you super quickly duplicate events...
FL Studio, it’s where everything lives, it’s the home of every synth, sound and instrument – anything that produces or controls sound is present in the Channel Rack. It’s also the place where you make your music, where you create your sequences and put together patterns. In fact ...
STEP 2 – Create a new empty FL Studio project, and open your exported mix in Edison Cut the unnecessary silence at the end or beginning of the song (if any). Check the pic below: STEP3 – Create a very short fade out at the end of the song (if needed) ...
Any application shortcut re-mappings are using the convention C-p C-<key>, this is temporary as I never use C-p (print) and thought this would be a good unique leader key combination.ApplicationsThe applications I am currently looking to support are the following:Visual Studio VSCode NotePad...